"Yes she does know what she's going to be and no I will not tell you," Logan says

"But mate that's not fair I don't like waiting, I want to make sure my date and love don't go as the same thing," Finn says pouting and whining

"Finny you have to wait and see until the party tonight, I can guarantee your date won't be in the same costume as I now don't whine or pout it's not very manly," Rory says smirking

"But loveeeeee, I want to know" Finn whines

"No, you can wait," Rory says

Later That Evening

"Love, are you ready I want to see" Finn starts walking up the stairs shouting

"No, and you better not be trying to come up here and sneak a peak im still naked," Rory says

"No love im going to wait down here but hurry" Finn whines

"Im almost ready geez get a drink, and we will be down," Rory says

~A few minutes later Rory and Logan come down the stairs~

"Finn Rory is coming down," Logan says

~Finn looks at them at the bottom of the stairs in shock~

"Love, you look amazing. I can't believe Logan is letting you out in something so tiny, but you look amazing as Jasmin and Logan you look good as a blonde Aladdin" Finn says

"Why thank you, Mr. Hatter," Rory says smiling

"Oh you got the costume, my date didn't know who my costume was, and so we decided she should stay home tonight," Finn says

"Oh, poor finny. Im sure you will find someone to occupy yourself with tonight" Rory says mock pouting for him

"Im sure I will, I have been told that many of the Boston and new york socialites will be attending tonight" Finn smiles like the Cheshire cat

"Yes just be careful you don't run into Fallon Dark, Jezzlyn Sharp, Elisa Lynn or any of their cronies, or you may just end up with a shotgun wedding before the end of the year," Logan says

"Oh dear lord no, I will avoid them like i avoid relationship's," Finn says

"Hey relationships aren't that bad, I'm in an amazing one myself," Logan says

"Yes well I am not ready as I don't have the right woman worthy of my children in sight," Finn says

"You mean you want kids?" Rory asks

"Of course love, I adore children and would like to have a big family, but it would have to be a woman worthy of the Morgan name and not till im near or in my 30's," Finn says

"Woah I didn't think you would ever want kids seeing as you are just a big kid yourself," Rory says

"Until I become a father I am happy being fun uncle Finn, the best uncle," Finn says

"I think that's a good idea, maybe you can be fun uncle Finn who babysits," Rory says

"I would love that, baby's are great for finding worthy women, that's how my dad found my mum," Finn says

"I thought your parents met as kids," Rory says

"They met at 14, my dad had his baby sister with him at the mall because his mum was sick and he thought she needed rest," Finn says

"That's sweet, I think you get that from your dad," Rory says

"That and the nail polish and dramatics," Logan says rolling his eyes

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