Chapter 28: Fight for myself

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"Again!" He exclaims making me roll my eyes at him. All this guy ever wants to do is fight, yeah I understand he is a personal fighter trainer but he never takes a break. He makes me wake up at 5am and take an hour jog around the perimeter, he makes me catch my own breakfast with my hands by the fish pond and then after breakfast he beats the shit outta me.

"What? No I quit, I was drugged when I said I wanted to learn how to fight" I tell him the same line I've been telling him for the past 3 weeks making him scoff at me. I look down at my legs and they are covered in bruises, I'm lowkey mad that I've damaged my skin but kind of proud of how I got these bruises.

"Too bad lil Maze now get up and start again" he instructs making me sulk. I have no energy right now, I don't even think I can manage to physically lift up my body from the floor let alone fight this big husky 6 foot 4 inch man with muscles made for killing.

"I think that's enough for her" Ahjumma appears outta nowhere and saves my ass making me sigh and smile to myself. Dan looks down at me with his arms folded then looks over at ahjumma before walking up towards me and helping me get up to my feet.
"Why are you punishing yourself?" Ahjumma asks me as soon as we get into the kitchen. I sit down on the counter and begin to eat some grapes as I clean the blood dripping from my split lip.

"I honestly don't know anymore" I answer her as I use a kitchen spoon to check out how badly my face has been busted. I don't know anymore why I won't quit, it's like whenever I want to quit that she devil is there to remind me that she can beat the shit outta me any second.

"And clothes, are you not cold?" She questions forcing me to look down at my black sports bra and a pair of matching black shorts, to be honest with you I feel like I'm too covered up like especially my bottoms half but I can't be fighting Dan in my panties. That's cheating.

"I like wearing this" I inform her as I look myself up and down making her scoff over at me.

"What is this exactly? You are in your underwear" she exaggerates making me roll my eyes at her. If she thinks this is my underwear then she should of seen my clothes at Daddy Tae's house like my outfits no lie we're the best in the house I kind of low key miss it all thought. But I definitely miss my girls.

"It's practical" I shrug my shoulders as I throw the bloody tissues away into the bin. I look at my face in the spoon one more time before sighing, it'll heal and it'll all be worth it.

"There's a rumour going around that there are some boys knocking in people's door" Ahjumma announces as she begins to place the dishes from the dry cleaner away making me sigh at her announcement. Every time she does this, she comes back home with some local rumours and then she some how links it to JB. I understand she wants to see me hopefully again but I am hopeful again, I'm hopeful that I'll save myself.

"So?" I shrug my shoulders already seeing where this is going.

"What if it is JB?" She whispers and I just roll my eyes like I usually do.

"We both know it ain't him" I tell her straight not in the mood to entertain her antics today. She looks down at me with a frown on her face seeing that her 'rumours' no longer have an affect on me.

"Come on lil Maze last round" Dan waltz into the kitchen with his arms firmly folded across his chest making me sigh. I don't want to stay here with Ahjumma and hear her talk about hope and try to talk me out of fighting, I rather get my ass beat. But hey in my defense I am actually getting better as in I've given this guy some bruises as well.

"Fine Dan but you owe me ice cream" I tell him as I jump off the kitchen counter and follow him to my death willingly. As I walk towards our fighting room I make eye contact with the she devil herself and she smirks at me forcing me to look away from her and flip my hair, I won't entertain this bitch.

"Ok Lil one remember everything I taught you" Dan says making me nod my head in agreement. He comes charging at me but I quickly duck and manage to escape from him but what I wasn't prepared for was the punch in the stomach causing me to fall onto the floor. He lifts me off the ground and throughs my weak body onto the wall creating a hole. I quickly get up and rush towards him before bouncing off the wall and kicking him in the face but he doesn't fall he just staggers. I kick him in the back of the knee causing his knee to give up making him fall onto his knees giving me the opportunity to wrap my legs around his neck and begin to choke him on the floor.


I quickly release Dan away from my leg lock and get up from the floor but only to look down at my legs and see them covered in blood but not my blood. I look over at the floor and there laid Dan with a bullet wound in his chest looking up at me.

What just happened?

I look up and make eye contact with a cocky looking Shanell holding a gun firmly in her right hand.

"You Killed my instructor!" I shout at her beyond pissed to what she has just done.

"I did what you were supposed to do" she smirks as she neatly places her gun back into her designer handbag.

"I don't kill" I tell her straight not understanding why she won't get that through that pretty little head of hers.

"You are an actual disgrace" she scoffs at me catching me off guard.

"A disgrace to who?!"

"To me! You are a disgraceful little sister to me!"

TARNISHING HER PURITYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon