Chapter 21: I like it here

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I open my eyes as I wake up, instantly rubbing my eyes.

 Kenzie. Kenzie. Wake up sweetheart.

I love you. 

What the hell was the voice? It sounded just like Mom. 

I look around and no one is around me. It's just me. What the hell?

I'm officially creep out.

I immeadiately notice that I'm in New York. Mom's suite is fuckin' huge. It has three bedrooms, but I stayed up late and I guess I fell asleep on the couch.

I hear Mom and Dad in the kitchen. I get off the couch and walk in, finding them both making out.

I make a disguited face and walk to the fridge.

"You know, seening your parents making out with eachother is a weird way to start the day."

They finally both sucking off eachother's faces, and laugh at me.

"Hey, how do you think I felt when I saw you and Jake kiss?," Dad teases.

I look down and sigh, him noticing that he hit a touchy subject.

"Well, you won't see that anymore. It's complicated."

He lets go of Mom and comes to me, pulling me to his side. 

"What the hell did he do to you? I warned that little fucker."

I look up, surprised of how protective he is. But, I don't know if me and Jake will break up. I wanna make up, but it's like everytime we do, we get into another fight.

I stayed up late because I was trying to make up with him all night, but he kept on pointing stupid stuff and he's paranoid about me being with someone else. It's complicated.

"Dad, it's complicated."

"Complicated as in how? Is he making you uncomfortable?"

"Kinda," I reply. 

"Justin, don't worry. I'm sure Kenzie will work out everything just fine," Mom says.

"Yeah, it better. I might have to kick a kid's ass."

I chuckle at him. I turn and fully embrace him, and he kisses my forehead.

"You're the best father a girl could ask for," I mumble into his chest.

"Well, thank you."

"What time is it?," I ask.


Shit, I sleep until noon?! Well, I was up until four in the fuckin' morning.

"Your father dropped Alex off with Liz.and her parents, Rosie is at a program at NYU, so it's just you. I think it's time to give you this."

I raise my eyebrow, then a few seconds later she pulls out a credit card. Well, I had that credit card since a few months ago, but Mom decided to keep it until the right time.

"You're in New York. Have fun! You're turning seventeen next month. Just be safe and be careful."

I snatch the credit card. "I will."

I run and put my shoes on, and grab my phone. As I'm running out the door and into the lobby, I feel myself bump in someone.

"Oh, sorry."

I look up and see a very attractive blonde haired boy. Brown eyes, nice smile, nice appearance.

I stare at him, speechless. "Hey, you're Makenzie? Justin Bieber's daughter?"

I nod and clear my throat. "Yeah."

"Oh cool. I actually work for your Mom. I help her deliver mail around the office building. But, I stay here at the hotel to help with my mom."

"How old are you," I ask.

"Eighteen, and you?"

"Sixteen," I answer.

"I'm actually gonna explore New York right now. Nice to meet you. What's your name again?"


I smile. "Nice name. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, of course."

I give him a nod before exiting the hotel, getting into a taxi.

"Take me to the best mall around," I tell the taxi driver.

We drive away into the city, my adventure beginning.

* Hours later *

I walk in the hotel, bags in my hands. I spent the whole day out. I went to the mall, I went to Times Square, and did all this other fun stuff.

I like it here.

I see Sam walk towards me, grabbing my bags.


"Oh, no problem. It's an honor."

I giggle a little. "An honor?"

"Yeah. I'm talking to the daughter of the two biggest people around."

I blush a little.

"Kenzie!," I hear.

I turn to see a dark haired boy with blue eyes approaching me. He looks furious.

"So, this is him? They guy you've been cheating on me with?"

"Wait, what? I'm not cheating on you!"

"Oh really? Then, who's this?!"

I groan. "This is Sam. He works for my mom and he lives here. I just met him earlier."

"Oh, so you've been having fun with this dick?"

"Excuse me? You're the dick here," Sam replies.

"Listen Cam."

"It's Sam," he corrects.

"She's mine. Stay away from her. I'll fuckin' snap your neck of you don't."

I push Jake away from us and stare at him. What happened to us?

We were so perfect...

"I'm fuckin' done with this relationship."

I examine his face. He looks heartbroken, but angered.

"What the hell do you mean you're done?!"

"First, you yell at me at school! Then, you keep texting me non-stop, most the messages being rude! Now, you show up in New York starting shit?!"

"Well, sorry for trying to keep an eye on a slut I call my girlfriend."

I feel my heart crumble and tears full my eyes. His facial expression softens as he notices the damage he has done.

"Kenzie, I-"

"Go to hell! Stay away from me! We're through!"

I run towards the elevator, heading back to Mom's suite, leaving my bags and Jake and Sam alone.

I'm so fuckin' done.



Have you been staying up to date with Stay Away? Shit got real...

Will Kenzie and Jake ever make up?! I don't know..

Remember that crazy cliffhanger I told you about.. I just gave you a hint in this chap what it is.. It'll make since in the last chap, which is soon.

Want the next chap? 30 votes and a few comments, and it's all yours!

I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

Life as Makenzie (spinoff of Justin Bieber's best friend series)Where stories live. Discover now