Chapter 8: Why now?

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Suspension was boring, but at least I could relax. Dad wasn't giving me a hard time once he knew that I fought for Rosie.

Jake got suspended, too. It was the same amount of time I did.

I walk in the building on my way to homeroom with Jake. As we walk our hands brush against eachother and I glance at him. He shoots me a quick smile and I blush really hard.

I look to the right and see Stacey with a black eye and a neck brace. Damn, I fucked her up.

She gives her the evil eye and I just ignore her.

We get into homeroom, all eyes on us.

"Hey look! It's Kenzie!," Jamie announces.

I hear a loud applaud and I giggle a little.

"You know, that was pretty cool for you to do that for your sister," she says.


Soon, the bell rings for first period. I make my way to history class and then I see someone come next to me.

I turn and it's Callum.

"May I help you?"

"Hey, don't hurt me babe. I just came to ask you a question."

"And that is..?"

"Me. You. Winter Ball."

I raise an eyebrow.

"You don't look like the type to go to that stuff."

"You don't either. So, let's go together. C'mon, it sounds fun! Just me and my girl, hanging out."

"Can I ask you something?," I ask.

He puts his arm around me, but I take it off me.

"Why me? There's plenty of pretty girls in this school. Why do you want me as your girlfriend and your date to the dance? You barely noticed me for the past two years in this place."

"First, you're sexy as hell. Second, you're a badass and that's a huge turn on. Third, you could be my partner in crime. Me and you, breaking rules together."

I crinkle my nose and roll my eyes as we walk into homeroom.

"With Callum again? Aren't you supposed to have a boyfriend?," Stacey asks.

"For the last fuckin' time! Jake is not my boyfriend!"

"Yeah, he's not. 'Cause I am!," Callum says.

"And Callum's not my boyfriend either!"

"But, I will be," he says.

Uggh! I can't wait until this class is over.

Jake's POV: (Surprise!)

I walk down the hall and into the boy's locker room.

I stop when I see Callum Cruz with his friends. They smirk at me, then the next thing I know, I'm being pushed into the lockers.

I wanna fight back, but not yet. Not unless he really deserves it.

"Listen Collins. Stay away from my girl."

"You mean Makenzie? Dude, she doesn't,even like you."

"But, she will."

I scoff.

"Just leave me alone Callum. It's not my fault you're a douchebag and she doesn't like you."

"Maybe became you're in the way. I see you two together in the halls. I see how you look at her. It's not secret you like her."

I look down because he's right. He chuckles at me.

"Is that clear lover boy? Stay away from her."

He lets go of me and leaves the lockeroom. Why should I listen to him?

* End of school day *

Makenzie's POV:

I walk towards Jake and his car and he smiles at me.

"Hey," he says, hugging me.

"Hey," I say.

I look to the right and see Callum staring at Jake from a distance.

"What the fuck?"

"Don't worry about it Kenzie. It's nothing."

I nod my head.

"Only two more days, then it's Thanksgiving break. I gotta cook on Thursday and help Rosie find a dress for the Winter Ball on Friday. It's Black Friday on that day, so we're having a huge shopping day."

"You're going to the ball?"

"I don't know. If I did, I'd be going alone. Rosie has a date, Alex probably has a date, and so does everyone else."

"Well, I don't have a date."

I stop and stare at him.

"Uhh. I mean-. If you're not busy or anything. But, um.. You don't have to... Um."

I see him struggle for words. It's cute. I wrap my arms around him. It seems to give him a little more confidence.



"Will you go to the Winter Ball with me?"

I smile at him.

"Of course."

He pulls me for a hug, and I blush. Looks like I'm going to the Winter Ball.

* At home *

I was blushing the whole way home with Jake. I can't believe I'm actually going to the Winter Ball.

"Justin, we need a lot of stuff for the dinner on Thursday," I hear a familiar voice say.

"I know honey," Dad says.

I close the door and walk into the kitchen.

I see Mom.

"Hi sweetheart," she says.

Dammit, she's here two days earlier.



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My kik: msswag15

Life as Makenzie (spinoff of Justin Bieber's best friend series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz