Chapter 19: Alex?

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I lay on my bed thinking about Jake as I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

I turn and see Rosie with a worried expression on her face. 

"What?," I ask.

"Alex ran away!"

I sit up. "What?! What the hell do you mean he ran away?!"

"I looked all around the house and I saw how he wasn't here. I went in his room and saw this note."

She hands it to me, and I read it:

Dear Dad, Rosie, and Kenzie, 

I'm sorry you all had to know like this, but I'm leaving for a week to New York. I gotta see Liz for a little bit and tell her how I feel. I wanna be with her. I'm gonna be staying with Mom.

My plane leaves at 3 p.m. and I'll be back Sunday.

I love all of you.

~ Alex

"So, no one knows about this except Mom?!"

 "No, he probably is gonna pay a surprise visit to her. Dad said he was gonna go golfing with Uncle Fredo. Remember? Where the alone ones who know," she tells me.

"Dammit Alex!"

I grab my phone and call him.


"Alex, are you out of your fuckin' mind! You're gonna be grounded for eternity!"

"Calm down! I'm safe Kenzie!"

"Well, you're not gonna be safe from being grounded and trusted ever again when you come home!"

"Kenzie, I don't need this right now. I'll talk to you soon."

He hangs up, leaving me pissed.

"It's 2:15 p.m. right now. We could leave and still make it. He's probably taking Dad's private jet. But, who the hell would let a fifteen year old old be on it alone?!"

"The pilot who's boss is Justin Bieber."

We both nod in agreement.

I grab my keys and we rush out the house, ready to stop Alex.

* At the airport, *

We run to the plane, wind blowing through our hair. 

We see Alex, ready to board the jet.

"Alex!," we shout. He turns and walk towards us.

"You guys came to gay goodbye?"

"No, we came to stop you! As the older sister, I have to watch out for you guys. We all have eachother's backs, remember?"

"Mr. Bieber! We're ready to board!," the pilot shouts. 

"Look, I gotta go," he says.

I groan. I can't let him go alone. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Not without us."

"What?! We're going with him?!," Rosie shouts.

I nod. 

"Sweet, it can be a sibling vacation!," he cheers.

I turn to him and give him an evil stare. "Don't fuckin' push it."

We all board the plane and head to New York.

Justin's POV:

It's around 8 p.m. right now. Golfing was kinda relaxing and I'm happy I have Fredo to play it with me. He's the best.

I walk in the house, not seeing the kids. What the hell?


I look around the house and see that they're not there. I feel myself start to panic as I pull out my phone and call Makenzie.


"Kenzie, where are you guys?"

"Umm. I don't think you wanna know Dad."

"Kenzie, where are you?," I ask strictly.

She pauses for a few seconds, then finally answers my question.

"New York."

My eyes widen in surprise. What the hell is a sixteen year old and two fifteen years olds during in New York alone?!!

"You're in New York?! Are you guys out of your minds?!"

"Dad, calm down."

"No, Kenzie. I can't calm down when I know that my kids are half way around the country! Does your mother know you're coming?"

"Umm... Not yet. We're on her way to her hotel right now."

I groan. "Kenz-"

"Dad, it wasn't my plan to go. Alex wanted to go because he missed Liz and he wanted to see her, but only for a week. I didn't want him to go alone, so me and Rosie went."

I calm down a little. At least she had a great reason to go.

"Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Stay safe and good luck explaning this to your mother. Don't ever try to pull something like this again. Okay?"

"Okay," she answers. 

"I'll see you guys soon. Love you and stay safe."

I hang up and take a deep breath.

I have the craziest kids in the world. Where the hell did I go wrong?




Have you been staying up to date with Stay Away? It's getting crazy! :)

Justin does have the craziest kids though.. Lol. But, Mia and Justin are crazy, too. So, they're just all a crazy family!

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I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

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