Chapter 6: Here we fuckin' go

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I walk downstairs, ready to talk to Dad. Talking to Dad about stuff if way easier than talking to Mom.

Mom is too strict for me. When I see her, she always yells at me.

Dad says it's because she's stressed. Shit. I'm stressed, too.

Rosie and Alex want in the door as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

Rosie rushes to me and embraces me. I huge her back, tightly.

"You're the best sister ever. Thanks for sticking up for me."

I smile at her.

"Kenzie, you kicked Stacey's ass!," I hear Alex shout.

I let go of Rosie and look at him.

"Yeah, I saw it all in action. You got hands."

"Wait. You saw Kenzie fighting and you didn't stop her?!," Rosie yells.

"Well, Stacey deserved it. And besides, that was pretty epic to see. Badass Kenzie is awesome!"

Rosie and I both giggle and I pull them both in for a for a group hug.

I see Dad smiling at us from the kitchen.

"That was pretty sweet of you Kenzie," he says.

"Anything for my little bro and sis."

"But, you're still grounded."

I groan.

"Of course."

"Rosie. Alex. Let me have some time to talk to your sister. Your mother would like to have a word with you."

They both awkwardly head to their rooms as I go in the kitchen.

"What? Did she teleport here?"

I look over and see here on video chat.

Here we fuckin' go.

"Makenzie Rose Bieber!"

I roll my eyes.

"You are grounded missy! You shouldn't be fighting anyone! Do you know how you have made this family look?! We're supposed to be a family of non-violence and non-bullying and here you go fighting a girl, bullying her. Maken-"

"Who said I was bullying her? You don't know what's even going on!"

"Then, what is going on Kenzie?!"

I take a deep breath, preparing to explain.

"That girl who I fought was bullying me for years! But, I never told you. You're never really here! And when you are, I can't talk to you without arguing with you! So, yesterday I stood up for myself. Then, today I saw that same girl bullying Rosie, so I fought her. I beat that girl up for my siblings."

"Kenzie, that's still not an excuse."

I stare at her in disbelief. She doesn't care that I fought for my siblings. What the fuck?!

"Mia," Dad calls. He also has that "What the fuck?" look on his face like me.

"Are you serious?! You would know if you actually were here! You abandon us all the time! We only see you like ten times a year! Mom, this is so fucked!"

I see her eyes widen and I see her grow angrier.

"Did you just swear at me?! I didn't raise a disrespectful young lady!"

"You raised me until five years ago. You left when I was eleven. I'm sixteen now. You left when Alex and Rosie were ten.

"You will not talk to me this this! I am your mother!"

"No. You're just my pathetic issue for one."

Everything falls silent.

I walk out the kitchen and head back upstairs.

My Mom just made my say worse than it already was!


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Life as Makenzie (spinoff of Justin Bieber's best friend series)Where stories live. Discover now