Chapter 5: He's sweet

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I storm in the house with Dad behind me.

"Kenzie, we gotta talk about this."

"Dad, I don't want to."

I continue to make my way to my bedroom, stomping on the stairs.

"Kenzie," he calls.

I ignore him. I just wanna be left alone. The principal, Principal Rudd, called Dad in and now I'm grounded. Also, I'm suspended for the rest of the school week.

"Fine. When you're ready to talk about it, I'm here."

"Sounds great Dad," I say, sounding sarcastic.

I walk in my room and slam the door. I throw my bag against the wall and my phone on the bed. I jump face first on my bed.

I start to sob, letting it all out. I'm so upset right now.

Everyone thinks different of me now. There's probably more rumors starting right now about me. This Callum kid won't leave me the fuck alone, and now I have a clique against me.

Fuck my life.

The worst part about this is Dad has to tell Mom and I have to hear her dumbass lecture. Uggh!

I hear my phone and pick up my head. I grab it and look at it. I got a text from Jake.

Jake: u ok?

Me: no.

Jake: i heard that u gotta into a fight with Stacey. U wanna talk about it? Face to face?

Me: Jake, I'm grounded for a week. I can't go out anywhere until then and I'm suspended until Monday.

A random question pops in my head. I text:

Me: shouldn't u be in 4th period?

Jake: Yeah. But I skipped.

Me: Dafuq? U skipped?

Jake: Yeah.

Me: Where r u?

Jake: look out your window

I raise my eyebrow, leaving my phone on the bed.

I walk to the window, and open the curtains.

I see Jake. I smile at him as he waves at me.

I open my window, poking my head out.

"Jake, what are you doing here," I say, trying not to be too loud.

"I came to see how you were. What kind of best friend would I be if I left my best friend to be alone when she needs a hug?"

I smile at him. That's sweet.

"But, I'm grounded. I can't come out."

"Who said anything about you coming out?"

I raise my eyebrow. What the fuck is he talking about?

"Jake, I'm pretty high up. This is a fuckin' mansion."

"I know."

My bedroom is in the back of the house, where there is just a bunch of grass. Then, there's this huge tree with many branches right outside my window.

I wanted to build a tree house when I was younger. But, that never happened.

He runs to the front side of the house. About minute later, he comes back with a huge ladder.

He puts the ladder against the tree and climbs up the ladder. Next thing I know, he's close to me. He stands on a huge branch and I back up, allowing him to come in from my window.

I stare at him in surprise. He actually did that.

He holds his arms out, and I get in them, having a huge embrace.

His hugs are only ones that make me feel better. Well, besides Dad's.

I let go and stare into his beautiful blue eyes. I get lost in them.

"I saw Stacey picking on Rosie, so I defended her. Then, she pissed me off, so I fucked her up and one girl from her clique, too."


"And you skipped school. Jake, you're gonna get in trouble."

"I already am. I overheard Chad Borden talking shit about you. So, I corrected him and he wanted to fight me. But, I just screamed at everyone and stormed out the school."

"You're gonna be suspended," I say.


I giggle at him.

"Well, you gotta go. My Dad could see you."

"But, he loves me."

"Yeah, but he won't love the fact that you snuck into my room to see me."

His eyes widen.

"Oh shit. I gotta go anyway. My mom is probably worried sick. I'm gonna be grounded for life."

I laugh at him.

"Have fun," I tease.

He starts to climb out the window and down the tree.

"Hey Jake?"

He turns. "Huh?"


He smiles his break-taking smile.

"Anything for you."

He continues to make his way down and I close my window and close the curtains.

Wow. I can't believe is actually did that.

And best of all, it was for me.


The next chap is gonna be so much drama!

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I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

Life as Makenzie (spinoff of Justin Bieber's best friend series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें