She got up, seizing her phone forcefully and went out, slamming the door loudly.

He followed after, yelling after her. "Caty!"

"Don't f*cking go near me, we're done." Caitlyn screamed at him. "Go to your whore, I know that you have been cheating on me, a$$hole!"


Caitlyn didn't realize she had been bleeding until she drew back her hand, seeing the blood dripping from her fingertips and was oddly, morbidly fascinated. The way the sanguine liquid ran down her finger to the floor, the big beads especially catching her attention.

Her breath caught as she brought it closer, her tongue instinctively darting out to catch the running head.

Taking a few seconds to realize what she had done, she gave a yell, trying to cough out what she had swallowed, lurching violently as she vomited and fell back on her behind.

She gave a violent shudder, her breathing ragged and she screamed, screamed for all of this to be over, to crawl on her mother's lap and just cry. To have her loving hands run through her hair and rub her back.


She sobbed loudly and ugly, snot dripping on her hands and she did not bother to shove the monster away. Instead, she leaned into his touch, her mind blurry as she felt desperate for comfort and affection.

His cool hands felt nice against her burning cheeks, his embrace filling her with an icy cold. Numbing her.

"Shh now, calm down, princess." His normally low voice sounded gentle, almost loving.

She looked at him, blurry vision making out the black goop running down his cheeks and his sharp teeth, and she quickly shoved him away, crawling away to her bed and started to scream at him to go away.

Must remember who's the bad guy, who made her life a nightmare. Still a nightmare. Must never forget.

For a moment, he looked hurt. But that's impossible.

Monsters don't feel emotions.

- -  - - - - - -  - -

Through immense pain, burning agony, she gave a final cry, soon joined by another. One which was more high pitched.

A baby's cry.

She opened her eyes, tears still running down and she blinked away the blurriness and she saw the moving bundle in his arms.

Gulping, she reached weakly for the baby, her baby, and was given her baby girl.

Ohmygod, it's a little girl. She thought, her smile joyous as she cradled the little miracle, her finger being grabbed by the little one's. Ecstatic love filled her core, her miserable existence elating at the beautiful baby who just giggled at her.

She cried out of happiness, pressing her forehead gently with her child's, shutting her eyes. Nothing could ruin this.

The monster decided to leave them be, to come back later to check on the baby.

- -  - - - - - -  - -

Her name is Valentine. And she loved everything about her, the light gray skin didn't bother her.

Fortunately, the monster hadn't argued with her. But if he knew that it was Vince's favored name for a baby girl, he'd definitely fight against it.

Caitlyn watched her darling sleep, her finger softly stroking her cheek and when she showed signs of stirring, she began to hum. An old lullaby her grandmother had sung to her.

Unbeknownst to her, Jack was watching, and listening.

- -  - - - - - -  - -

Caitlyn, in her blissful state, made no fuss of being near Jack. She was deluded by her tired mind and tolerated him.

Before all this, Jack was different, human to her. He showed her many things that fascinated her and showed what seemed to be platonic affection.

Jack was not this monster, no. The monster would never be Jack again.

The monster stole her away from her happy life, forcing his 'love' on her and desperately tried to make her love him back.

Jack would never, he would be patient.

At least, that's what she imagined.

For now, Jack was shown to her, made her feel almost happy to be near the father.

They both knew that wouldn't last long.

- -  - - - - - - -  - -

"Hum for me." Jack asked, watching her coo to Valentine.

Caitlyn gave him a look that was unreadable. "Why?"

"You sound beautiful when you do." Jack said.

Caitlyn frowned, looking away. She exhaled lightly before humming, rocking Valentine, who quieted at the sound of her mother.

Jack smiled, leaving her with both pleasant admiration and cautious hostility.

- -  - - - - - -  - -

"Val, come here." Jack called, both of the girl's heads turned towards her.

"Ok." Valentine said, escaping her mother's tight grip and going to her father. Her eyes watching curiously as he pulled something out of a jar.

Caitlyn watched too, curious and nervous. And horrifyingly disgusted as the monster pulled out a bloody organ. "No, Jack-"

"Hush, Caitlyn." The monster growled, placing the organ in his daughter's hands and watched as she took a bite out of it. A satisfied smirk creeper on his face as her eyes lit up and she ate more and more until nothing remained, licking the blood off.

Caitlyn couldn't repress her horror as Valentine looked at her, smiling, her sharp teeth bloody.

Monster. She shut her eyes as she shut out the thought. No, Jack was the monster. Not her own.

Someday, she'll escape, with her daughter too.



Only there is no someday. On the soonday, she dies.

A chapter from Caitlyn's Pov. Is it good? I got hit with inspiration and finally finished this.

You see, unless you got it, she's flitting between Stockholm syndrome and her sanity. And in the end, her sanity wins.

Sorry EJ, you get no love from the woman who you kidnapped. But you might get some someday.

And now, this is the end.

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His Little Cannibal (Creepypasta)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें