It was stupid. To be in a situation like this and try this hard to open a small window. He just realized how desperate he was.

Gritting his teeth, Seokjin tried once again to open it. He was startled when the window made a squeaky sound as it moved, allowing some cold breeze to enter the room and touch his skin. He honestly did not expect it to open this fast but was prepared for a little struggling.

The opening was wide enough for his hand to easily go through. He didn't try to open it wider since he was worried that it'll make the same sound again which might alert the people who took him if they're close.

With one eye, Seokjin looked through the small opening. He saw the blue day sky and the roof of some shorter buildings. His heart instantly dropped. He was on a skyscraper. An apartment building. It eliminated all hope of escaping through the window. He never thought that a spot in the city would be where criminals hid the people they kidnapped. He always thought that they hide in far and abandoned places. A place that is no higher than three floors.

How did they even manage to bring him here without anyone being suspicious? He couldn't understand what they were thinking when they thought of this.

He looked outside again in hope of seeing something that could be used as useful info to know where exactly he is.

There was no sound other than the strong wind hitting the window every now and then. He looked down and saw headlines on buildings, they were too far for him to read though and the ground was barely something he could see. It seemed so far away. He kept on looking but couldn't tell where this place is.

Seokjin gave a long sigh and pushed the window back to its place in anger. He cursed it for going back easily and giving him a hard time in opening it. There was no logic in that.

Seokjin ran his fingers through his hair multiple times and groaned loudly. "What do I do?" His voice trembled along with his lower lip which he bit on. His emotions were all over the place and it was too much to pretend that everything was not getting to him in order to hold himself together. He could not trick his mind into believing that he's fine.

The singer rested his back on the wall and let his body slip to rest on the carpeted floor.

Staying here was not an option but what could a helpless bird do in a locked cage?


Seokjin didn't know how long he's been laying on the bed. At some point he started counting the seconds as he stared at the ceiling but lost count when the numbers started to get bigger.

He was in middle of staring at the ceiling when the door opened with a click and another unfamiliar man entered the room. He was wearing some tight black pants like the ones Jimin wore on stage and unknowingly destroyed thousands of fans with but that is not what bothered Seokjin. The wide smile did. It creeped him out even though it didn't look malicious.

The man named Midori made his way into the room with fast steps. He sat on the bed right next to Seokjin and huffed like a child would.

"Why aren't you wearing my gift?" He pouted and if Seokjin wasn't in this place, he would have thought he looked adorable. His eyes followed Midori's hand which moved under the pillow and pulled out the gift he mentioned. Only it wasn't something Seokjin would think of as a gift for humans.

"The collar will make you look even more ravishing." His tone was excited as he clicked on the black and silver collar in his hand. He raised it to place it on Seokjin's neck but the singer backed away.

"Come on. It won't bite you."

"No. what the heck?!" Seokjin would never agree to wear a collar like this. It looked like the ones you would put on a pet but much more expensive and neat.

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