Finding Maisie: Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

'Why is Adam changing?' I asked.

Before Heather could say anything three people walked over. It was Aunt Melonie - Heathers mum - my Uncle Colin – dad's youngest brother - and my granddad.

'Hello girls,' my granddad said happily.

'Hi,' we all called backed.

They all crouched down beside us and started talking.

'You girls having fun?' Uncle Colin asked.

'Yes,' I said on all of our behalf, 'Hey, Uncle Colin, you're sixteen right?'

He nodded, 'Yeah, seventeen this year.'

'Why are you so much younger than my dad?'

He laughed lightly and ruffled hair, 'I'll tell you when you're older.'

I scowled at him and turned to my granddad, 'Please tell me?'

He laughed as well but replied the same, 'When you're older.'

'Granddad, do you know why Adam is so stroppy?' I asked.

'No, I don't actually. Now excuse me, I'm going to help your dad with the lunch.'

Both Uncle Colin and my granddad stood up and turned away.

My aunt Melonie turned to me, 'If you're that bothered about Adam why don't you ask him yourself!'

She stood up and walked away. I was shocked at her snappy tone. What had I done?

There was a small smash behind me. I looked around and saw that a glass had been crashed onto the ground. Two people were standing up aggressively; my dad and my uncle - Adam and Heathers dad. They were going to have an argument.. Again.

'You take that back!' My Uncle shouted.

'Take what back?' My dad yelled just as loud as his opponent, 'I was only stating a fact.'

'You said I was a lousy father!'

'You drink all the time! How can you look after a family when your blood is pure alcohol?'

'That's it! Stop bad mouthing me! You think you're so much better than me, than everyone, but you're far from it. Mark my words!'

I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want anyone to hurt my dad. I ran inside the house and up the stairs. I wanted to bury my face in my pillow and forget about Adam and the argument but I was stopped before I could.. By Adam. He was walking out of the bathroom.

'Why do you look so upset?' He said with a look of disgust but not looking me in the eye.

'Our dads are having an argument and your dad is being really mean.'

Adam began to walk away but not before muttering, 'Your family deserves everything they get.'

I shrugged it off not wanting to cause anymore confrontation. I bumped into another person standing in my upstairs hallway. This person was someone I vaguely recognised but didn't know.

'Hello?' I said, 'I think the foods almost ready so you should go outside.'

'Okay, Poppy, thanks,' He said. He looked a few years younger than my dad. He had dark hair and a thick stubble. His eyes looked cold and dark. I wanted to get away from him.

'How do you know my name?' I asked.

'I'm your second cousin, Poppy,' he informed me, 'l would've spoken to you years ago but you always seemed slightly scared of me.

I looked away awkwardly while he lightly laughed, 'I'll see you outside Poppy.'

I watched him walk away and then entered my room. Someone had been in here. The bottom drawer of my desk was wide open. I walked over to it and stared down at what was missing.

Finding MaisieWhere stories live. Discover now