Finding Maisie: Chapter 16

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Finding Maisie

Chapter 16

I still couldn't see. The abductor would've made certain of that. My vision was just of darkness as the light had been restricted by the material covering my head. But I could still feel. I could feel the warm sand underneath from which I was being dragged over. And I could still hear. I could hear the waves and splashes of the sea that I was being pulled closer to.

I tried to dig my heels into the sand to prevent being dragged further but the person snatching me was too strong. I presumed it wasn't the abductor as the last time he got this close to me was at the field near where Maisie was abducted. I pulled down his hood and almost saw his identity. I'm pretty sure that the abductor wouldn't let that happen again. So that meant I was being dragged by Harry or someone I didn't know.

I pulled my elbow forward and swung it back into my snatchers stomach. They made a grunt but were still persistent in dragging me. No matter how much I struggled, I couldn't break free from their clasp.

I could hear the ocean right by me now and as I was pushed a little further my feet became surrounded in water. I heard my snatcher climb up onto something hard. I didn't have much time to think about what was happening though as I was pulled up onto the hard surface as well. I could feel the ground underneath me wasn't steady anymore. Sure it was a hard surface, but the surface was rocking from side to side. There was only one explanation for it.

We were on a boat.

My snatcher released their grip on me and I heard their footsteps against the floor walking away from me. There was a strange noise and then a roar-like sound as the boat came to life. I fell backwards as the boat began to move, causing my balance to vanish. I was on the floor for a few seconds before I was pulled back up and dragged again. My snatcher pulled me down some stairs and I felt gravity leaving as I was pushed forward to the ground. I could hear more clearly now as the engine roar and ocean splashes were muffled by the wall around me. I was on the lower deck of the boat.

I heard my snatcher walk up behind me and stop. He stood behind me breathing for a while. Suddenly I felt their touch at my neck as they quickly pulled the material around my head off. My vision blurred as my eyes adjusted to being able to see again. I spun around to see which of the abductors helpers had snatched me, but they had already left the room and shut the door. I heard the lock click.

I turned back around to look at the room I was in and my breath caught in my throat. Callum was lying on the ground in the room with his eyes closed. I rushed to get to him. He was injured. There was a bruise forming around his eye, and he had a cut lip. But that was only the damage I could see, I didn't know how many bruises lay under his shirt. The first thing I did was check that Callum was breathing. I hovered a hand above his mouth and sighed in relief when I felt his warm breath tickle the skin of my hand. Callum was breathing, now all that was left to do was wake him up.

I lightly shook Callum but he didn't awake. I said his name gently but still his eyes didn't flutter open. I was about to panic when I mentally told myself that his body probably needed a bit more rest to recover. And besides, Callum was always a heavy sleeper.

I decided to occupy myself by examining the room I was in. As I had been too focused on Callum, I hadn't realised how messy it was. There were papers, newspapers, empty food and drinks containers scattered all over the place. This room had been very lived in. There was also a small window up high in the wall. It showed just a little bit of the upper deck as the bottom of the window was in line with the floor of the deck. It looked like the only way out of here, but I wasn't escaping until Callum was awake.

I went back to looking at the room. There was a bed just under the window; it looked like it had been used a lot. The sheets covering the bed and the duvet were very crumbled and there was a dip in the mattress caused from the body that had slept in it. This boat had obviously been lived in.

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