(Similar to this but not exact)

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(Similar to this but not exact)

"Wow." I said taking in every aspect of the room.
"Do you like it ?" Tony asked softly, seeming a little nervous now.
I turned to him , wrapped my arms his neck and pulled his face down to mine, kissing him. The kiss was slow and gentle.
"I love it."
I gave him a quick peck before I went to take a seat at the table. He went to the kitchen and quickly emerged with two plates.
"Dinner is served." He said formally intimidating those classic butlers.
"Why thank you good sir." I said
He put down a plate of Alfredo pasta , my absolute favorite meal to have.
He took his seat opposite me and gestured for me to taste.
I took one big mouthful and immediately close my eyes and moaned.
I opened my eyes to find him hungrily looking back at me. His eyes were intense , almost feeling as though he was staring into the depths of my soul.
"It tastes amazing" I said , sheepishly smiling.
"I hope you don't moan like that after every bite, otherwise we might have to cut this dinner short." He said before adjusting his pants.
I burst out laughing.
Sorry not sorry.
"You never told me you could cook." I said digging into my pasta.
"Well you never asked, this is my first time make Alfredo though." He said with pride.
"Where did you learn how to cook?" I asked , taking a big sip of my wine.
"My grandmother taught me basically everything I know. She used to live with us when I was growing up and she loved to cook. And I loved my grandmother so wherever she went , I went. She would say if you wanna be in kitchen with nona you have to help nona. Nona doesn't like spectators, she likes helpers.
So that's what I did. I was her little helper." He smiled fondly at the memory before reaching for my hand.
"The first way I was ever taught to show my affection for someone. We cook for those we care for." He said , stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.
I realized that this was a big deal. This was him opening up further, showing me he cared.
I squeezed his hand but I quickly jolt back because of my loud ringtone.
"Sorry about that." I said pulling my phone out of my pocket.
Lauren calling
I rejected the call. I'm sure it isn't anything serious.
As I was about to put my phone away she called again.
"It's okay, you can take it." Tony said.
I answered the phone and was greeted by the sound of a crying baby.
"Lauren?" I asked
"Jadens only gotten worse." I heard her say , it as clear she was also crying.
"He won't stop crying , he won't eat , he won't sleep. I don't know what to do." She said, shuffling on the other side of the phone clearly trying to comfort her boy.
"Why don't you and Keith take him to urgent care?" I asked
She let out an sound I personally had never heard before , before responding "He's gone ! He said he needed to sleep so he's gone to a hotel! Can you believe that !"she said and it wasn't long before she was loudly sobbing.
My heart broke for her.
"Honey , I'm coming. I'll drive you to urgent care and everything will be alright okay." I said
I looked over at Tony for his response and he nodded his head. He got up and took the plates to the kitchen as I ended the called and got ready to head out.
"I'm so sorry it's an emergency." I said as he walked back into the living room.
"It's okay , let's go." He said giving me a reassuring smile.
"Let's go?"
"It's a emergency yes?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes ?"
"Then I'll come with you. And it's late , wouldn't be safe for you to drive alone." He said leading the way out.
I didn't have time to argue with him so I just nodded. We walked out and into the parking garage.
"I'm driving" I said as I approached the drivers side.
Tony shrugging before throwing his keys at me.
I swiftly caught them and jumped into his car.
"Wow" I said as I rubbed my hands on the steering wheel and got comfortable.
I started the engine and began the 20 minute drive to Lauren's place.
"So who was it on the phone ?" He asked
"My friend Lauren , her son has a fever , sounds like it's just gotten worse and her dipshit of a boyfriend went to sleep at a hotel." I said tightening my grip on the steering wheel.
I felt Tony's comforting hand on my knee instantly calming me down.
The rest of the drive was silent.
We pulled in front of her apartment complex and I called her to tell her to come down.
I soon saw her walking towards the car with Jaden in her arms.
I got out and ran over to her to meet her half way and embrace both of them.
"Hey" I said before prying Jaden out of Lauren's arms.
Lauren was staring behind me with a stunned look on her face. I followed her gaze and found Tony awkwardly standing against the car. He slowly approached us , putting on a small smile.
"Hi I'm Tony" He said reaching out his hand for her to shake. She shook his hand and gave him her own small smile before introducing herself
"I'm Lauren." Her voice was shaky, it was clear she wasn't her usual bubbly self.
"Well let's get going" I said trying to avoid any awkward moments.
Tony drove this time while I sat at the back with Lauren and Jaden. Jaden eventually fall asleep in my arms while Lauren had her head against the window seeming to be deep in thought.
I reached out and held onto her hand.

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