Chapter 30

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Suggestive eyebrow raises during DNA...

Sultry winks during Love Myself...

Seductive stares during So What...

Not to mention the fact that Taehyung can't seem keep his off of the the older...

These are just a few of the things that Seokjin faces during today's VIP lottery concert practice. He knows that the fans cherish their "fan service" interactions, but he almost can't handle the added attention. Ever since last night, Taehyung has been has be eyeing him as if he were a four course prime rib dinner.

Seokjin, on the other hand, can't even look at the other without his face becoming as red as a tomato. The thoughts of what he did last night, swirling around in his head, make him blush profusely at the memories. His embarasment has pretty much made him try to avoid Taehyung at all costs today.

First this morning when he purposefully didn't wake the younger to join the rest of the group for breakfast. Then again, for lunch, when he secretly left the hotel to explore the city with Sejin. And next, when he suddenly remembered that he "forgot" his wallet in the hotel room, causing him to take a separate ride to the venue hall. And lastly, just now when he hastily retreated to the bathroom during their break.

That reason being why Jin is now staring at his own reflection in the mirror of the East side bathroom. He chose this location specifically because it's the furthest away from everyone else. The eldest turns on the faucet and leans down to splash some cool water over his face. He sighs just as he reaches for the hand towel.

Without warning the lights go out. His body freezes in fear of being trapped within the darkened room. Is it a power outage? Is it a crazed fan? Is it a ghost? His heart begins to hammer inside of his chest, causing his breath to quicken, almost matching it's rythm.

Then he hears a very familiar tone as two strong arms snake their way around his slim waist.

"You've been avoiding me... Baby"

The older whimpers slightly, remembering the pet name he was given from last night. The deep velvety sound sends chills up Seokjin's spine as Taehyung's hot breath spills out onto the side of his neck. 

"N-no, I h-haven't" Seokjin stammers out, feeling disappointed in himself for his uncontrollable stutter.

Tae's grip in the olders small waist tightens as he softly kisses at the skin on the crook of Seokjin's neck. "You can't just do what you did to me last night and then pay no attention to me afterwards. Do you know how that makes me feel?"

Jin's pulse rate begins to skyrocket again as Taehyung's hands start to roam, causing the older to involuntarily hold in his breath. "I-I'm sorry Taehyung-ah, I just... I was...." he feels Taehyung's hips press forward against his backside as the younger's fingers begin to grope at his lower abdomen.

"You were just..." The younger pulls him closer, "... What?" Taehyung asks while he kisses at the soft skin on the side of Jin's neck.

"I-I was... just about to go back. We both... Should probably get going." Jin speaks out in a shaky voice, trying to change the subject. "The other's will be waiting for us." He unwraps Tae's arms from his waist and pulls himself away.

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