Chapter 34

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The bus ride back from the venue hall was filled with chuckles and light chatter. The members as well as Minho, who had hitched a ride back with them, were all smiles while discussing tonights events.

However, two of the van's passengers had remained uncharacteristically silent throughout the long trip back to the hotel.

A lurking set of cat-like eyes notices that both Taehyung and Seokjin have been unusually still sitting across from each other.

Yoongi glances at the eldest of their group, catching the familiar red tipped ears while he stares blankly out of the side window. Yoongi's gaze then turns towards Taehyung. The rapper's face can't hide the knowing smirk that unconsciously graces his lips. The intense stare that the younger is giving Seokjin is enough to alert Yoongi that something important must have happened between the two.

"What is that smile for, hyung?" Jimin asks, propping his elbow onto the back of their shared seat, twirling his index finger around the dangling chain of Yoongi's earing.

Yoongi leans into the comforting touch of Jimin's small hand when the younger's fingers move from his ear to begin playing with the soft strands of hair on the back of the older's neck. The rapper shakes his head and chuckles lowly to himself.

"Jimin-ah... I think something very interesting is about to take place tonight" Yoongi softly says just as the van pulls to a stop at the back entrance of their hotel.


Now finally inside of the left wing elevators of the lavish resort, Taehyung eyes his hyung. The younger's dark irises watch the older, almost like a how a wild animal would stalk it's prey. Waiting for just the right moment before he can steal Seokjin away from the others.

As soon as the bell sounds, alerting him to their floor, the young singer practically drags the older out of the sliding silver trimmed doors. Taehyung didn't stop to say goodnight to anyone, not even to Minho, as he pushed his hyung through the exit. The look on Minho's face as Taehyung completely ignored his presence was absolutely priceless... at least from Seokjin's perspective anyway.

Not that Taehyung really cared about Minho, or anyone else for that matter, at that particular moment. The young singer was on a mission. A mission to get Seokjin alone and back to their suite. The last few hours after the older's surprise confession had been torturous for him. How could Seokjin just spring that on him knowing very well that they wouldn't get a chance to discuss things?

Although... Taehyung's plans for the older doesn't involve much talking.

As soon as the sound of the door latching had hit his ears, Jin found his back pushed hard up against the entryway wall. The two are now pressed firmly against each other inside the dimly lit hallway of their shared suite. Taehyung waisted no time grabbing ahold of his hyung's silky raven hair, pulling Jin's head to the side to give himself better access to the older's neck. The younger male then proceeds to trail heavy open mouth kisses against the soft flesh.

"T-Taehyung-ah, We..." Jins eyes roll to the back of his head as the younger's mouth latches onto the sensative skin beneath his right ear. "We-we should talk"

A firm and breathy "Not now" was all that Seokjin recieved as a reply while Taehyung continued to abuse the sweet skin beneath his lips, not caring whether or not he left any marks.

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