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"I don't want to be your friend, Jen."

Her lips slowly parted in agape with eyes wide open. She stared at me for some good seconds, eyes seems lost in confusion. I think she did not clearly get what I said judging the look on her face.

I cleared my throat and slowly heave a deep breath to speak.

"I don't want to be just your friend." I repeated that made her startle a bit. "I want to be more than that."

She was still keeping an eye on me. As if pondering what could have been inside my head and if she only knew, she might run off the farthest away from me. If she only knew that it has been only her from the past months.

I watch her brows slowly furrowed in confusion. She still don't get it or she might be playing dumb on me, that only made it more agrivating on my part.

"So.. you want to be my brother, then? Is that it?"

Oh, please drop the act now baby or I might lose all the sanity in me and kiss you thoroughly. Was it really hard to read between the lines or was it hard to act like you did not read between the lines?

I bit my lip so hard stopping the urge to kiss her. Why does she have to be so dense and adorable at the same time?

"Jinjjayo.." She whined cutely. "If you want me to be your little sister, I-I'm actually.. I'm  actually.. wait, w-why are you getting so close? Oppa!"

Now, she looks horridly cute. I bit my lip tightly I could even hardly swallow my growing nervous. She opened her mouth to  speak possibly stopping me from closing the space between us. Realizing the intensity of my gaze she quickly shut her mouth and smiled nervously at me.

"No. I mean, I want more than that.."

I can't help to smile while crazily biting my lower lip watching her getting more and more anxious and tense. I don't know but I like how I made an effect to her. My heart could actually burst out of my rib. God, I've never been this so crazy before. I've never been like some crazy teenage boy getting giddy and nervous confessing to the girl he likes.

"Eo. Abhouji then?"

I let go from biting my lip and threw my head backward bursting into laughter. Oh, god. Why does she have to be this dense? It's cute but it's very maddening and driving me insane!

"W-wae!" She forcefully laugh along with mine but it sounds more like a struggle to me.

"You do know how that idea sound so stupid to think I want to father you, hmm?" I clicked my tongue and continued. "To think I already had a two sisters, you know that and if I want to father a child, I want a daughter who look exactly just like you ten years from now. Do you get what I'm trying to say, Jennie Kim?"

She stepped backward shaking her head. Finally, her face illuminated with a faint light but it didn't stop me from noticing her fluffy cheeks slowly tainted in pink and her cat-shaped eyes gleaming with different colors. A mixture of in fear, confusion, restrain.. and was it that passion? Maybe I got wrong with the last one.

"Stop playing dumb on me." I crouched a bit, placing my hands to the walls trapping her at the same time.

Now, you have nowhere to run. If you try to run, you could only try because I'm not letting you go without hearing what I'll say. I'll make sure that you will not miss and forget a single word and if I had to remind it for you every single day then I would. Because I've no plans of stopping, anyway.

This is my end game. I'll make sure it will be your end game too.

"I want you. Not as friend, a sister and never do I wanted to father you just how lame your assumptions it sound.." I'm just two years ahead of her, damn it. "I want you just like how I imagined to take care of you. Like how I imagined spoiling you. Like how I want to kiss you right now and beyond all of that, I want you to be crazy heed over heels for me just like how I am madly crazy heed over heels for you."

End Game (Wattys2019) Where stories live. Discover now