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The sunlight burned my eyes even with my eyelids closed and I groaned nuzzling further into my bed

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The sunlight burned my eyes even with my eyelids closed and I groaned nuzzling further into my bed.

After minutes of feeling like throwing up, I decided that it'd be best if I opened my eyes and actually got up before I covered my bed in vomit.

Though when I flickered my eyes open I was face to face with a softly snoring Dillon, her hair delicately falling over her face as her nose tickled mine.

I became aware of my hand that was placed upon her hip, our skin connecting harshly in the grip between my fingertips. It was a good feeling but I had to part from it so I didn't vomit all over her.

"Good morning" I grumbled rubbing my eyes as I entered the kitchen. Jc turned round with a laugh and assessed my bare body and then my rough and pale face.

"Good afternoon" he corrected before sliding a plate of food across the side towards me. The smell made me gag and I pushed it away from me before I vomited upon it.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry" I gulped down trying to think of anything other than the food in front of me. I honestly didn't think I was ever going to stomach anything ever again.

"Ew it's not for you" Jc scowled "it's for DJ, her bitchass needs food whether you're hungover or not"

I groaned and grabbed myself a glass of water, sipping it delicately before feeling completely ready to face carrying Dillon her breakfast.

When I entered my room she was tightly curled in my bed and she looked tiny, her tiny hands in a prayer sign next to her head on the pillow like a stereotypical sleeping position.

Me chuckling at her must've stirred her because she thrashed around a little and finally her eyes fluttered open.

"Afternoon sunshine" I laughed placing the plate down next to her, she rubbed her eyes and shuffled up the headboard to watch me. Suddenly I'm conscious of my naked body.

"How are you feeling?" She asked taking the glass of orange juice from my grip and sipping down on it before allowing her eyes to scan my black eye bags.

"Like pure shit" I grumbled rubbing my face with both hands. She reached forward and placed a hand down upon my shoulder,

"So were not singing a duet?" She teased a small smirk appearing on her face, I slapped her hand away from me playfully and shot her a glare.

"Don't remind me of anything please and thank you"

We fell silent for a little before I noticed her trying to hide the fact that she was shivering, her hairs standing on end and her teeth slightly chattering.

I walked over to a drawer and pulled out a grey jumper allowing it to hang over my arm as I neared the bed again, I gently passed it her and she took it, a small soft smile appearing on her face.

"Thanks" she mumbled pulling it over her head, it basically drowned her because of how big it was but I couldn't deny that it cute and was definitely about to keep her warm.

"Nah" I laughed back.

"Nah?" She asked with a giggle looking at me with a confused expression.

"Yeah nah" I said with a twitching smirk. She placed the plate upon the floor and jumped towards me causing me to flop backwards on the bed as she straddled my torso.

"What do you mean nah?" She pouted as I laughed and looked up towards her where she moodily crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip.

"I mean nah you're not allowed to thank me" I responded.

In one swift motion I moved us round, me being able to sit on her while pinning her wrists down onto my bed with one of my hands as she giggled and told me to get off.

"Why aren't I allowed to thank you?" she laughed but I brought down my free hand upon her ribs and began to tickle her. She squirmed and bucked around out of breath as her contagious giggle carried through my room.

"Because-" I carried on tickling her "-I should be thanking you"

I stopped tickling her and her face turned kind of serious which panicked me. I was about to ask her what was up but she shook her head and said,

"I'm your best friend, Ki, you're not allowed to thank me either"

I jumped off of her body and fell next to her, she was breathing extremely heavily making her chest bounce as she tried to catch her breath. I turned to face her and watched as she stared up to the ceiling.

"Okay, but I gave you a jumper it's not really like driving over here at 2am and staying the night with me while I was pissed, Dillon"

She groaned and turned her head obviously not realising how close we were because our noses nearly brushed and it reminded me of this morning and how we'd woken up.

"Is there a reason you drank so much yesterday?" She whispered, her eyes scanning my face as I chewed down upon my bottom lip.

"Probably" I responded with a shrug, her hand danced towards mine and she linked her hand with mine.

"You can speak to me" she reminded and I smiled.

God, I knew that, I could tell her anything and I really couldn't keep anything from her which was why it was killing me that I couldn't tell her about the conflict between my head and my heart.

The conflict over her.

"I know" I lied with a small smile.

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