I Quit

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Hello Ms. Violet!

A fiery girl that you are!
Have red and blue mixed and met,

No one knows what period in you are, 

Jumping across the field, hitting no one with your second.

And like my bullet shots, get terminated in a second.

Clones don't match with my accurate blows,

As everybody knows, 

That you always fondle with balls that you throw.

You may have a lot of experience with them,

But I don't think you can pleasure your man with them.

You have an uncanny mind to experiment,

So does that mean that you have your brother within your excitement?

I wouldn't care less that you two have incest,

As you already lost, like a trek in Mt. Everest!


Tis' I am against a foul fellow.

Who hands the gun that shoots too slow.

You may be a sniper but what that matters to me?

I jump faster than your bullets travel in a velocity!
You can shoot far but I can go near!
Smack your ass, make you remind your daddy, oh dear!

Dispatch with haste like those assassins did,

And leave you in the adoption list to a family with a bratty kid.

In my eyes, you better camouflage!
Run away fast like a coward you are!

You may have the skill, but I am too Ad-Vance.

Your bullets can't kill, no one shot to advance!


You are a mage yet you have no mana,

Like your attitude, you have no manners!

Does that mean you are a different species,

Or your skill is comparable to a bunch of feces.

I know you are a fighter but never a lover,

As the one, you love left to become a better fighter!

Shooting at you without my scope as it isn't needed,

For me to dispatch a girly princess,  having you get shredded!

I already caused enough bloodshed.

To make you have tears shed,

As you cannot stop the shots!

Like your forced marriage!

See Guinevere, you have a lot of potential...

Wasted as you look for your drunken brother in a urinal.


I may have been in a forced marriage but at least I am in one,

No one cares for an edgy girl that is a stalker, even Gusion!

Everyone knows that I and he are canon,

While having you rejected, get blasted off with a cannon!

I do have a lot of potentials that I have still yet discovered,

But you, on the other hand, have your eye even recovered?

Only one side of the face I can see,

The tears running down from your cheeks.

From the bars, I'm spitting with skill,

You can't even get a single kill!

But then, its a cluster in the battlefield to be.

Outclassed with a guy who has a monkey!

I am unique, one of a kind.

I don't need to be here, my clone will do just fine!

With my powers, I will send you down and take you out.

Like your parents once again, but this time, all guns being put out.





which will probably be a book soon, just so you know!



As with every year, there is always a tradition of this book to troll you guys hard...

...this time, you can really see how much effort I put into this one troll today. Don't worry! I am sure that DexiaDex is pleasant to see her book to have 70 more chapters and 600 more votes. :3

But yeah, happy April Fools girls and guys! I hope you guys aren't too shocked by the title or got offended by the rap battle, it is all planned my friends. But yeah, if you want to see more rap battles, just comment down below and I will see your comments! 

Leave a vote on this story for more Legendary Heroes content and I will see you guys next time....when I return this book back to normal. :p


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