Keep Me Here

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Summary: Cyclops was feeling lonely as he was just alone watching the stars at night. Yet a certain steel elf comes to his aid and makes him experience on how friendship is actually about.


During night time around the Land of Dawn, a certain magician was thinking as he was looking ontop of the hill, admiring the stars that he can see on the stars with his one eye. His single eye was analyzing the constellations and the movemets around the black, blinking carpet on top of him.

He smiled as he always loved watching the stars at night as it was the thing that made him fascinated about magic in the first place. The theory on how space is constantly moving and growing, giving him more power as time passes.

In time, he will finally achieve his goal to become the best magician or wizard in the whole Land of Dawn.

But there is a moment that Cyclops knew that was making him feel weird, a growing feeling in his heart that never seems to go away. He couldn't understand it, yet when he tries to, he couldn't comprehend it. It is like an itch on his body that never fades no matter how much he scratches that spot.

By himself, he couldn't understand it.

He sighed as he looked around him, well aware of the problem that may had help him with the feeling on his heart. A feeling that another person could understand it the way that he can't.

The feeling of loneliness.

He sighed once more as he saw no one nearby. The small magician knew that he was feared somewhat for his unexplained growth of power in the arena and he knows to himself that he is weird person. He is very awkward at greeting people because he was never used to have company in the first place.

Maybe this was the reason that he felt lonely? The people that he see on the streets of the land cheering for each other, shaking each other's hands merrily or talking to each other like buddy to buddy. It makes him quite envious for them as he couldn't have what they have.

It is like a present in front of you that you always wanted but it isn't for you but for a different person.

Cyclops returned his gaze back to the night sky, looking at it as he ignored the horrible, growing feeling on his heart. He sat there, staring as his eye just analyzed the patterns once more.

Then, he heard someone shout his name. It was a familiar, light and yet filled with concern and youth. He turned around to see a familiar person in the land, an elf that is well popular with the townsfolk.

Lolita, the Steel Elf.

The small magician knew a lot of this person as he was interested in her. Interested not by romantic stance, but interested to see on how she helps other people. She usually seen helping the other popular heroes like Tigreal or Zilong when needed, making her quite the character around time.

Lolita was helpful to all people who needed it and she doesn't ask much in return. Cyclops knew about her tragic past and how she thrive well due to a professor in the City of Scholars, giving her more of a power boost with the Noumenon enchancements.

With that being said, he hadn't talk to her much, only declining her help because he feels that he doesn't need it. Cyclops knows that he might be a bother to her so he declined her offers of help anytime.

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