The Moonlight

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The Moonlight

A Miya x Estes one-shot

By Nite

A peaceful dark sky inhabits the whole Land of Dawn with inexplicable calmness, a source of rarity that was thought to never happen during the war between Dark Abyss and the Order of Light. Crisscrossed among the black sky were tiny pebbles of light that flicker, a bright big orb of light came to view as an eyesore, yet beauty and undefined sparks of light that linger from the orb. The waves of the ocean move in a swish swash motion, currently in a high tide as the moon enlightened the darkness of the land.

Towards the cliff near the waters, a white-haired Elven archer sat at the edge with a thoughtful expression on her face. Her legs dangled close to the side as she maintained perfect balance at the edge, not fear of falling or being pushed off what so ever. Her hair slightly moved by the slight breeze that was present in the area, in taking the salty smell of the ocean breeze as she looked yonder, her thoughts being gathered in her head.

Her hands fiddled with the bow that was present between her hands, her left absentmindedly tugging the bowstring as she looked out. In her mind, it was simply trying to be at peace among the storms that had rummaged through her mind that she had received during the war that she had participated in. Her mind can't be at peace as she remembers everything, the people that she had killed, their wails of despair and swears at her as they died... it was something that even an experienced veteran of hers can even take a toll in her mind.

Black linings under her eyes indicate the lack of sleep that she had as she bowed her head down, her breathing slightly quickened as a memory played in her mind:

"Curse... you..!" A man swore at her as he was struck down with an arrow to his chest before he disappeared in a flicker of purple light, a common thing that the opposing army has when getting killed.

Shaking her head, she grabbed another arrow from her quiver and charged it with her elven magic. She took a deep breath before letting the arrow go, making it split into multiple due to her magic that struck down more warriors in the field.


"This...don' the last...!"


Shaking her head from those gruesome thoughts that kept playing in her mind as her breathing was now severely quickened, she saw her hand glowed with an arrow on her right, ready to fire at anything that was in her vicinity. She sighed as she calmed herself down, removing her hand from the arrow and placing it back to her quiver.

"How... do I live with all the people that I had perished...?" She muttered to herself as her hands were shivering uncontrollably. "If... I can't even justify that I indeed think that they should die... why am I sorely affected...?"

"It is because we are part human, Miya." A soothing voice lingered behind her that caused her to look behind her to see the former king of her old kingdom, Estes.

"M-my lord!" Miya exclaimed in shock as she was about to kneel in front of him till he stopped her from doing so.

He sighed. "How many times I claim that I am not your king anymore?" He replied before smiling at her. "It has been a long while to see you in this place."

The Elven archer sighed as she returned to her place. "I was simply calming my mind after the recent battle in the borders of the Antoniorei." She replied. "How about you, my lord?"

"It is that time of the year." He simply replied to her as he opened up his scroll. "The moon is bright tonight, so I have to prepare the yearly ritual."

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