Johnson's Backstory

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"Johnson! Johnson! Johnson!"

Cheers of the crowd were heard in the football stadium as the game ended. The world renowed quarterback, Johnson, had helped his team to serve yet another touchdown to win the game and winning the whole championship. The said football player smiled as he removed his helmet, grabbing the trophy that his team won and raising it up above his head.

"Thank you for the support!" Johnson yelled to the crowd, which made the crowd jeer louder. The fan girls were screaming their hearts out.

"Johnson! I want to have babies with you!" A fan girl yelled. Johnson blushed as his team snickered at his unfortunate popularity.

"C'mon John, the girl wants to build a future with you, don't let her hanging." One of his team mates teased, making the quarterback glare at him.

"Shaddup Moris." Johnson exclaimed as he left the stadium to the locker room. Some of the people were reaching out of him from the stands, which the quarterback responded by high-fiving them as he went to inside.

At the locker room, he saw some his team mates laughing alongside each other as they celebrated their victory. With a smile grace on his face, he placed down the trophy he won on a table.

"John, that was awesome man!" One of his team mates exclaimed.

"Yeah dude, they totally did not stand a chance when you charge at them..." A person beside him commented. "It is like you are some high powered car ramming at them!"

Johnson laughed as he shake his head at the comments that he was getting from his team mates.

"Well, I wouldn't had made it this far without you guys supporting me." The quarterback exclaimed as his team mates laughed at him.

"Man, you're super humble man." Another exclamation from his team mate as he stood up to remove his uniform.

After an exchange of clothes, the quarterback sighed in relief as he stretched his arms, feeling a bit lightened after removing all the heavy padding from himself. He grabbed his backpack and exited the room, grabbing his keys on his pocket.

The quarterback went to the parking lot, pressing a button on his keys. As it was pressed, loud beeps were heard and flickers of lights were seen. He smiled as he saw his blue Mustang, his pride and joy that he bought with his constant winnings.

Opening the door of the driver's seat, Johnson sat on on the smooth leather seat, having a satisfaction look on his face. He shifted around the seat till he was comfortable and inserted his key on the ignition.

Turning the key, the engine sounds to life, giving constant 'vroom, vroom' as the quarterback steps on the pedal. Grabbing the wheel, he manuvered his car out of the lot that it was in and went off to the road.

Turning on the radio and switch the station till he found some chill jazz music, Johnson drove his car carefully. The quarterback loved driving as it gave him a sense of calmness and tranquility for some reason.

As if he was made to drive...or something like that.

Johnson shifted gears as he turned to a curve in the road. As the car accelerated a tad bit, a phone suddenly rang out. Sighing, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and used his other hand to grab the wheel while holding the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Johnson here." Johnson greeted.

"Hello Johnson, you're comin' to the victory party tonight?" A voice asked over the phone.

"Hmmm, Maybe... Not really sure." The quarterback admitted. "I gotta visit my family and all, probably gonna celebrate there."

"Ah, I see...well, enjoy yourself man!" The voice exclaimed, making Johnson smile.

"Enjoy yourself too." He replied as the call ended. The quarterback sighed as he place his phone back to his pocket but it fell to the floor.

"Shoot." Johnson said as he leaned down to pick it up but that made him lose control the car for a second. The phone was at the edge of the pedals and the quarterback was struggling to reach it.

"C'mon..." He muttered as he leaned even lower and stretched his arm further. At the road that he was currently driving in, a girl was crossing the street slowly while licking a lolipop.

Johnson had finally retrieved his phone as he instantly retracted from his position to see that the little girl was literally in front of him. His eyes widened as he turned the wheel, trying to avoid hitting the girl.

But the speed that he was currently was, it was a recipe for disaster.

Johnson's car crashed onto a building, going through it on a couple of inches. The people inside were startled as they evacuated the building immediately. The quarterback had endured the impact yet with the car's windows shattered upon the impact, the shards pierce the skin of Johnson, more of it affecting his head.

Johnson's vision had become blurry as he couldn't move. He felt blood dropping from his forehead. He could feel his body screaming and aching from pain.

He could feel himself die at this very moment.

Yet...miracles happen in the weirdest moments...

"W-what's happening?!" A person yelled as a crowd had gathered around the carnage. A bright blue light covered the car as it kept getting brighter and brighter, to the point that it blinded the witnesses.

In the light, Johnson felt peace...serenity and... a burst of energy felt within him. He saw the blue energy slowly wrapping around his body. His eyes widened as he saw his car disassembling itself and reforming itself among his damaged body parts.

Like it was trying to save him.

After a couple of moments that felt like hours dragged on, the light ended. The people were shocked to see the car was gone and there stand a new elephant in the room.

"Ugh..what happened?" Johnson asked as he rubbed his head, but he felt something smooth.

Smooth like metal.

His eyes widened as his vision was also changed. No more of the clear vision he had, it was more...robotic. He looked upon himself and he saw that indeed his car had merged with him.

"...great." Johnson muttered as he looked around the area to see people looking at him back with surprised expressions. The little girl that he saved was also shellshocked that she had her jaw dropped and her lolipop was on the ground.

And that's how the quarterback had turned himself into the car-ramming robot extradonaire.


And yet another backstory done...this time with more words and higher quality! This was requested on Reddit,which I used to do quite a lot of stories like these at.

Anyways, Johnson's backstory was quite weird to say the least. Nothing really explained why he was like that in a first place except that his sportscar he was driving saved his life, in which I used that here.

So yeah, I had a bit more details to make it more..lengthy unlike Mino's backstory which was literally a summary.

Hopefully, you do enjoy this installment! :)

Comment, vote and suggest on what you want to see next!

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