Chapter 40 | make you happy

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"She's not playing." Hero gets up, taking and aggressive step forward. He stands in front of me in a defensive position in order to block me from Jason.

"I wasn't asking you Hero." Jason laughs, mockingly.

"I'm fucking telling you." Hero dryly replies, taking another step toward him.

"Okay." Jason nods. "I'd be protective too, her racks very impressive."

Hero tackles Jason and his fist flies into the air, hitting Jason multiple times, blood instantly pours out of his nose. My hearts pacing rapidly as I watch.

I call out for Hero's name hoping he'll eventually hear me. Justin rushes toward them but Jason's friends hold him back to watch the fight unravel.

Seriously? Their friends going to die if Hero keeps punching him like that.


"No." Danielle grabs my arm. "Don't go anywhere near them."

"I have to—" I yank my arm away and finally reach Hero, I grab his arm and he pushes me away which causes me to fall in the dirt. "Hero stop!"

Hero finally unclenches his fist and looks around.

Everyone's surrounding him, looking terrified.

Jason's laying on the ground with his face covered in blood, groaning in pain. My hands are shaking as Hero looks back at me. I looked into the eyes of someone I didn't recognize, that wasn't my Hero.

"Ella." I hear him mutter. He stands up and kneels down to my level but I flinch away as he reaches out for me. His hands are covered in blood.

"C'mom." Justin grabs Hero and pulls him away from me.

"It's okay." Danielle whispers.

"None of this is okay." I say brushing the dirt off from my hands.

"What's going on?" A councilor walks out of her cabin towards the crowd in her silk robe. "Oh lord."

Jason's friends help him back on his feet.

"He'll be fine." One of them say brushing it off so casually.

"Let's go back to our room." Danielle loops her arm around mine and we walk back with Beverley and Sofie who both seem shocked. Jess decides to leave with Jason, I'm guessing to check up on him.

When we walk in the room, Justin's inside yelling at Hero who doesn't seem fazed by anything he's saying.

"Ella." Hero says rushing toward me. "Are you okay?"

"I tried to get him out of here—" Justin says behind him.

Hero's just staring at me, waiting for me to answer.

"I'm fine." I tell him.

"You're shaking." He adds, concern washing over his face. "I'm sorry."

"I know." I can feel the tears coming. "You're always sorry and that still doesn't make it right."

"I was angry." He tries to defend.

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