Chapter 13 | could you shut up

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The house is dark, eerie and quiet. It feels like it's been vacant for days with how cold it feels inside. Hero flicks the light switch and my eyes adjust to the now bright scene. I walk beside him and we make it up to his bedroom. I toss my bag onto his bed and start pulling out a pencil and my notebook. Hero throws himself on the bed and props himself up on his elbow to watch me.

"Do you want a piece of paper?" I ask him, he lets out and exaggerated sigh and nods his head. I carefully rip out a piece and hand it to him. "Where should we start?"

I kick off my shoes and crawl onto the edge of the large bed, I sit crisscrossed and look up at him.

"Does this even count as a grade?" Hero asked. "Does she even care to know how much money we waste on Starbucks or that we had a fucked up childhood?"

I hide my face in my notebook and groan. "This is going to take forever if you keep complaining."

"Fine. I'll go first." Hero grabs the syllabus from my notebook and glances at the paper. "What's your favorite memory as a child?" He looks back at me with a blank stare and I laugh.

"Okay, write this down." I begin. "I took a trip to the beach with my parents one summer and-"

"You got attacked by a shark in the middle of the ocean." Hero says and I furrow my eyebrows together as I watch him write that down. "It turned out to be one of the most fascinating trips of your life, got it."

"What! No!" I say out loud.

"What? It'll make this a lot less boring if we add little things like that." He smirks at me. "No one can tell the difference anyway, they weren't there."

He has a point.

"Next question, why do you have so many tattoos?" I say, his eyes turn away from mine and he takes a moment to return them.

"My tattoos tell a story kinda like the trashy novels you read." He laughs at his own humorous remark.

"The word lust across your knuckles tells a story?" I knit my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Next question." He says in a bored tone.

"How'd you meet Wyatt?" I add.

"I met him at a strip club."

I roll my eyes. "I'm serious."

I liked how comfortable Hero was becoming, he's usually so closed off it's like talking to a wall. His jokes are normally hurtful but this time they're playful, I'm convinced that brunette told him something to brighten up his day.

"I'm being serious too." He sits up from the bed.
"Want me to order some pizza, I'm kinda starving?"

I nod my head and write down a few more things as Hero calls up the nearest pizza place. I've learned he likes to avoid questions about sensitive subjects so I doubt he'd answer any about his family. I notice he's so confident that he doesn't mind keeping eye contact unless he's bothered by something, he also seems to have and answer for everything.

That's pretty much it so far so I'm curious to ask...

"What are you afraid of?" I say once he's finished ordering the pizza.

He looks through me with his grey eyes and one brow arched a bit. He turns away and smirks.

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"Everyone's afraid of something?" I roll my eyes.
"What about you?"

"A large pepperoni pizza is on it's way." Hero quickly changes the subject and doesn't give me anytime to ask him again. "Don't tell me you're one of those people that actually think pineapple belongs on pizza?"

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