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Definition of a Paper Heart: A heart so fragile or sensitive...

It was the age, the age of foolishness, the time we were taught to grow up. The best time of our lives and the worst times. But nothing made me happier and nothing made me sadder than him and it's not the kind of sadness to where you're crying all the time but more of the sadness that overwhelms your entire body, leaving your heart aching and your stomach empty.

Sometimes I wish we could choose which memories to remember.

Instead I learned all of your secrets.

Your scars and bruises.

You learn time is inevitable and will soon take us all one day.

I learned soulmates only come around once in a lifetime to shake things up and show you the true meaning of love. They stand up to you in ways no one ever has. They adore you yet challenge you to your fullest potential. They walk into your heart like they've always belonged there. They take down your walls and light your soul on fire. They give you a feeling beyond imagination.

I learned to let the universe take the lead into our future and I waited patiently to see if we could continue to fall deeper into this thing we call love.

But the universe fucked us over...

Authors Note

Hello just a heads up my lovely reader this book will be talking a lot about the past and the present. It's also very emotional so grab your tissue boxes and join the ride.

I hope you enjoy it and if you do don't forget to like and comment.

Don't be a ghost reader.

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