Chapter 30 | you like her

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The woman beside me smiles, she looks like she's in her late forties possibly older. I notice her clutching her purse tightly against her chest as she sees Hero beside me. It must be the tattoos that intimidate her, it's always the tattoos for some apparent reason?

It's not like they cover every inch of his skin? In fact they are very appealing in a way, to me at least. I suppose it's only appealing because Hero's the one wearing them.

I look up at him and give him a weary smile. We haven't spoken a word and I'm beginning to get impatient.

The rest of the passengers are now seated which means we should be leaving soon. Hero hates flying so he's probably been anxious this whole time, I feel bad for saying anything about Silvia before we left.

The flight attendants greet us and I can't help but notice a younger attendant checking Hero out as she passes us by numerous times. The pilot tells us to stay seated as we start the take off, I'm excited.

Hero begins to tap his foot as the airplane starts running down the runway. I reach for his hand where are fingers intertwine. This seems to calm him down just a bit, he looks at me and smiles.

"You're afraid of flying but you weren't afraid of getting all these tattoos?" I try to distract him by running my finger across the ink on his forearm.

"I guess?" He shrugs, looking at his arm.

Goosebumps rise on his skin at my touch and I feel responsible for causing such and effect on him. I give him and innocent smile and he rolls his eyes, trying to ignore the fact that he's capable of feeling.

We're now in the air which wasn't as awful as I imagined it to be.

"What would you guys like to drink?" The young attendant from before approaches us, holding a pen and a notepad in one hand. She rests the other hand on Hero's seat getting awfully close to him.

"I'll have some water." The woman beside me tells her.

"I'll have some water too." I say and the girl looks down at are intertwined hands, I swear I saw her eye twitch a little.

"What about you sir?" She completely ignores me while grinning at Hero.

"Water." He simple replies.

She nods her head until she leaves us.

I release his hand to open my book, he lets out a groan while I do this.

I frown up at him. "What?"

"You're going to get lost in that book once you start reading." He tells me leaning his head back. "I'll be alone."

The woman beside me turns her head to the side to look at us, she's obviously listening.

"Want to read with me?" I ask Hero.

"No." He shakes his head.

I roll my eyes at him. He's such a drama queen sometimes, I rest my head against his shoulder and continue reading. There's a faint smell of cigarette lingering on his shirt, I don't mind it as much as I should. He never smells like this so it's unusual. It makes me think he's been smoking more often.

The flight attendant comes back with our cups of water, she's glaring at me this time. Geez, she needs to chill out. She looks amused when she sees me reading.

An hour into the flight Hero's head is leaning against mine because he's now fallen asleep. I sit up straight which causes his head to fall on my shoulder.

"I love The Great Gatsby." The woman beside me speaks making me jump up a bit. "If you'd have asked me to read it with you I would happily do so!"

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