Chapter 09 | me and you in the end

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Class was given instructions to head for the library today. So students had no other choice but to enter the very place they attempt to avoid.

Why you ask? Their reasons were selfish. Libraries were quiet, filled with students eager to study and they didn't like that.

"You'll have thirty minutes to find a book and check it out." Mr Lively announces.

I stalk my way through an aisle of books, my eyes browse the names set up in alphabetical order and I realize a book I've been waiting to check out is located on the top and with my height I have no luck in reaching it.

"You realize the more you do that the more your skirt rises right?" His deep voice makes me freeze but I soon relax and land back on the heels of my feet coming face to face with Hero. "I was just informing you, I never said to stop."

I reach for the hem of my skirt and pull it down. The grey color in his eyes has become dark in this light, almost blue.

"Can you help me?"

Hero sighs and nods his head.

"It's the one beside that huge red book." I tell him.

He barely has to lift his arm to grab the book, his eyes scan the cover and a smirk forms on his lips.

"A Walk To Remember?" He asks seeming to question my taste.

"Yes, now thank you." I take it from his hands. "Y'know I once read a book and specifically remember the line reading 'how can I die if I haven't even said goodbye to my little brother' the story was about a girl who died in a skating rink accident and she knew she was dead but she felt her life was unfulfilled, which it was-"

I pause, can I go a minute without wanting to break down?

"Wyatt's life wasn't fulfilled either and I can't help but think he's out there wondering what went wrong?" I let out a deep breath. "Every time I read, I think it will help with the way I'm feeling but it's not working anymore."

"Nothing went wrong Ella, shit happens and eventually you get over it. Maybe you just need to try out things that are a lot less," He pauses and does a once over, "boring."

I look at him dazed and confused. I've never met anyone so heartless before. This was Wyatt we were talking about, his best friend since childhood. Maybe I was in denial, eventually you will get over it but not now.

Not until he was finally put to rest.

"You're a complete dick. I don't know why I even try." I shake my head in disbelief.

"At least I'm hot." He shrugs.

Unbelievable. I turn and try to make my way around him.

"Don't tell me you came all this way to get that stupid book?" He asks.

I furrow my eyebrows together. "That's exactly what I meant to do actually."

Hero steps closer, I should run now but I can't. Something's telling me not to.

"Really? The farthest aisle in the back? Away from everyone else? A book you couldn't even reach?" Hero's expression is blank but a glimpse of curiosity shines through his eyes. "I have a better idea."

His fingertips glide down my arm, sending a wave of chills down my entire body. They lead their way down to my hand and he grabs the book before resting it back on the shelf.

"Look you're already blushing." He smirks.

"It's warm in here." I defend.

His head leans down to make contact with the skin on my neck. I suck in a large breath as his lips make their way up to mine in a trail of kisses.

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