Chapter One: The Beginning

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Authors note
Aerolynns' appearance was inspired by the actress Crystal Reed (google her if you don't know who she is, but she is on the cover of the book.) Of course imagine who you'd like though! Okay enjoy, I'm really excited for this story!! Hope you all like it:)
Also: Make sure to check out my other story Her Apprentice another Kylo Ren fanfic!!
Also the sequel to this story "Heir to the First Order" is up! So go read it after you read this one, of course

Aerolynns POV
I fixed the screw on the moisture vaporator, wiping the sweat off of my brow. It was a particularly hot day on Tatooine, the heat had gone down though, thanks to the setting of the two suns, leaving the sky a rusty orange color.

I looked out at the moisture farm that my parents owned, observing how the sand twirled up into the wind. I wondered what life would be like off of Tatooine. Luke Skywalker was from Tatooine, he even was a moisture farmer like our family is, but he got to be someone, a legend... me on the other hand, I was a nobody, and would forever stay that way.

"Aerolynn!" Someone called from inside our tiny hut. It was my mother, her head was poking out from behind the door, "Go collect the twins and come inside for dinner!" She hollered before going back inside to tend to the meal she was probably burning.

I rolled my eyes, before turning around to go find the twins. I had two younger twin brothers, Baden and Kaito, Baden being four minutes older than Kaito. They were both twelve years old and were always roughhousing with each other and refusing to do their chores around the farm.

I made my way around the house, ignoring the feeling of sand hitting my face and neck. "Kaito! Baden!" I called, leaning against the huts rough exterior. They didnt turn to look at me but continued to duel each other with their wooden sticks. Baden snuck a jab at Kaito while he wasn't paying attention, making him fall to the ground, clutching at his stomach.

"Haha, loser, you just got impaled by a lightsaber!" Baden taunted, sticking his hands on his hips. Kaito reacted by leaping off of the ground and tackling Baden mid-laugh. They struggled in the sand, thoroughly covering themselves with dirt.

"Hey! Stop it both of you!" I yelled, trudging up to them. "Get up, mom called us in for dinner." They ignored me, and continued to fight. I stuck out my hand, summoning my energy to my fingertips. "If you don't stop this instant I will zap you." I said. They both stopped and looked up at me.

"Fine." Kaito said, getting up and looking defeated, they brushed the dirt off of their clothes and followed me inside.

"I thought mom said you weren't supposed to be using your powers, Aerolynn." Baden said, as we sat down at the table. I kicked at him from under the table, knowing that he said it right then and there to get mom's attention. My mother looked up at me expectantly, her eyebrows furrowed.

"You did what?" She asked, setting down the pot of unappealing murky looking soup she had made on the table. I fiddled with the ring my father had given me when I was six, avoiding her gaze. The ring was a single metal band and was my first ever present, he had traded a whole week's worth of food for it.

"It was only because the two of them wouldn't listen to me." I said, my mother looked down at me, preparing to launch into her explanation of why I shouldn't dare to use my powers, when the door opened and in came my father, wiping off the excess sand from his clothes.

"Ibraham, please tell your daughter how dangerous it is if anyone finds out about her powers." My mother said, flicking her graying dark hair over her shoulder. My father looked over at me, his face looked sunken and tired, he rubbed at his temples.

"Your mother is right, Aerolynn, you could be taken away from us or worse...killed, if anyone found out." He said, taking a seat at the head of the table. I nodded, biting back the comment I was desperate to spit out at them. No one was going to find out about my powers because no one even knew I existed.

We all ate in silence, eating just enough for the hunger pains to go away but not enough to satisfy, I learned to never expect the luxury of a full belly on Tatooine. After dinner I helped my mother with dishes and cleaning up around the house while Baden and Kaito went to finish up a few tasks around the farm with father. I had just finished wiping down the last plate when the door slammed open and my father and the twins came rushing in.

"What is it?" I asked, clutching the towel I was holding to my chest.

"Stormtroopers, er, I mean, the first order they're here." My father stuttered out. "They're looking for a girl with strong powers, their looking for you Aerolynn." He said. I dropped the towel, and stared at him. I was wrong, they had found out about me. I wasn't as invisible as I thought.

"What do you mean?" My mother asked. Then, there was a sharp knock at the door. I flinched at the noise, feeling frozen in place. This was real, this was actually happening. My father turned quickly to me. He engulfed me into his arms before placing a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Go out the back entrance and run, run as far as you can and hide. I'll find you when this all blows over." He said. I looked at him, still in shock. He couldn't be serious, I couldn't leave, I would never outrun them.

"Ibraham?" My mother said, sounding as surprised as I felt. Another loud knock sounded at the door, followed by:

"Were here with the First Order, if you dont open this door we will be forced to knock it down." Said a montone yet sharp and commanding voice. My father looked back at the door and then down at me.

"You have to go, now." He said, then shoved me towards the back door. I took a one last look at my family before stumbling out of the door and into the hot night air. I flew down the sandhills looking back at my tiny hut that was swarming with men in white armor.

My family was in front of my home, all on their knees. Storm troopers were poised in front of them, guns in hand. Their was a command by a stormtrooper in silver armor and then a bang. My family collapsed. I screamed, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Hey, you! Get over here!" The stormtrooper in silver called out to me. I swallowed back my sobs and continued down the hill, tears streaming silently down my cheeks. "Don't just stand around like idiots, go after her!" I heard the captain yell out. I reached the town center, thankful that I now had some cover.

I ran as fast as my legs could take me, breathing in the dry air Tatooine had to offer. I shoved past merchants and thugs muttering breathless sorries as I went. Blasters went off all around me, I gasped as one went right by my head, singing off a small piece of my hair. I quickened my pace only to be stopped by an invisible force.

I struggled against it but it wouldn't let go, I tried to move my wrist to shoot out a blast of harmful energy at my attacker, not caring about the consequences I would have to deal with because of it, but I was frozen. Footsteps neared me and then I saw him... the master of the knights of Ren, and the apprentice to the Supreme Leader Snoke. Kylo Ren.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story!!
It's really appreciated and remember every comment and vote is acknowledged!
AAAAAAAH!!! I am really happy with how this story is going so far. Sorry for the cliffhanger though. Tehehe. Until next tome, friends:)
Ya'll I MADE Aerolynn with an app, here she is:

 Until next tome, friends:)Ya'll I MADE Aerolynn with an app, here she is:

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