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I just decided I would wear a simple sweater dress tonight. I didn't exactly know what was happening and I assume it might go with it.

 I didn't exactly know what was happening and I assume it might go with it

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I got up at around 10. Of course. I slept late again. I walked out into the kitchen to see Changbin cooking breakfast. There was the biggest smile I have ever seen.

Hyun Jae

Jesus. You do know there are eyes and a nose on your face too right. It's not just your mouth. 


You are just jealous of me. I know how to be happy.

Hyun Jae

HA! I don't need to be happy like you ma'am. I can live without it.


Not forever!

Hyun Jae

Watch me.

I sat down at the island and stared at him.



Hyun Jae

Why are you so happy?


I...I just...

Hyun Jae

LE GASP! Are you hiding something from me?!


No. I'm just...coming with you to the studio today.

Hyun Jae


Changbin just rolled his eyes and placed some food in front of me.


Just eat and get ready.

Hyun Jae

Yes oppa.


You should say that more often.

Changbin just winked at me and walked away. I laughed and ate my food. As soon as I was done I went to my room to change. I didn't have to wear anything special right now since I was just going to the studio to help around. I didn't have any meetings or recording today.

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