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Suddenly I found myself alone. I was in my car. My phone was on my lap. There was drool on my face. I wiped it off as I realized I was parked in front of the store I thought I bought snacks for. I opened my phone and saw it pulled up to my notes. My notes of all their favorite snacks. I must have fallen asleep. So. Was that. A dream? I slapped myself in the face and got out of the car. Just like in my dream the snacks were in the same place. I grabbed everything and got coffee. I headed over to the studio and caught Daeun before she went into the room. I told her the exact same thing I did in my "dream." I walked into the room and waited for them to realize. They did. This time Mingi didn't leave. I kept my distance and he could see it. Daeun came back with the snacks and everyone ate them. The guys decided they wanted to go out to shop for something so I stayed at the studio. Soon Daeun started playing one of their songs, "Pirate King." I started dancing to it and she recorded me. Soon I smiled back at the camera and covered my face like I was embarrassed. I mean I was. I didn't notice she was recording me. She edited the video while I took a phone call. She was really good at editing it. In the end, she made it slow motion when I smiled back at the camera. I hit her playfully and she posted it. The guys came back while Daeun and I were laughing.

Why are you guys laughing?

We both quickly stopped laughing and looked at San.

Hyun Jae
Oh hey, Choi. We aren't laughing.

Yeah, you were.

Daeun and I looked at each other and started laughing again. They all just looked at us like we were crazy. I said my goodbyes not too long after and made my way out of the studio.

Hyun Jae! Wait!

I stopped and looked back to see Mingi. It crossed my mind to just keep walking but I didn't want to be rude. He walked towards me and I took a small step back when he stopped. He noticed and looked at me. Into my soul.

Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?

Hyun Jae
Ani. What do you mean?

I see you keeping your distance from me. Just now you took a step back! What did I do?

Hyun Jae
It's not what you did! It's what you might have done.

What do you mean?

Hyun Jae
Nothing. Have a good night Mingi. I'll see you at work on Monday.

Hyun Jae!

Soon I was far away enough from him and he didn't follow me. My heart kind of shattered because he didn't. But why? I sighed and held onto my chest. What just happened? Nothing. Nothing happened. It was just a conversation. Just go home J. Just go home.
Soon I was back at the apartment and Changbin was asleep on the couch. I put a blanket over him and sat next to him.

Hyun Jae
Me too buddy. Me too.

I turned the TV on and soon fell asleep. When I woke up it was about midnight. I moved around and Changbin heard me. He woke up.

Hyun Jae? How long have you been here? How long have I been here?

Hyun Jae
I don't remember. Go to bed.


Changbin got up and headed to bed as did I. Before I fell asleep I checked my phone and saw a text message. It was from Mingi. He told me to meet him at some location at 6 pm tomorrow. Basically, today since it was midnight. It also said to wear something nice. What does he mean by nice? I don't know. All I know is I'm tired. So I put my phone down and fell asleep.

I woke up to Hyun Jae. The TV was on so I assumed she fell asleep next to me. She told me to go to bed so I headed to my room and plugged my phone in. When it turned on I decided to text Daeun.

Hey, are you up?

Of course, I am. What is sleep?

Something you need but okay. What are you doing?

Working on a schedule. What are you doing this late?

I fell asleep on the couch and woke up a little while ago.

Then why not go back to bed? Why text me?

Am I not allowed to? I just...wanted to...

I'm gonna keep asking. Why?

Because I like you Daeun!!


Shit. Why did I send it?

You like me?

Well, I sent it. So yeah. I do like you.

I don't know what to say. I've never been through this before.

You haven't?

My parents put me in homeschool for a while and then I went to an all girl school. Never come across boys before. Only older men I had no interest in. The whole deal growing up in my family.

You never talk about your childhood so I had no idea. I should have told you in person.

I don't like talking about my childhood. It's messy and confusing. I hate it and you're the first person I've told. I don't tell anyone because of how I feel and how my father tells me I can not talk about it.  The only way I know how to respond is...I like you too...

Okay first of all. You can talk about anything with me. I won't tell anyone unless you want me too and even then I want you to tell them so I know you're comfortable. Second. You really do? You like me?

Of course. What is there not to like? You're an amazing guy and anyone would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend.

How about you? I'll be your boyfriend....

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