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Next thing I know it's the next day and I have 3 hours to get ready. I guess Mingi was right about the clothing. Since I'm different I might as well stay that way. I picked out a casual yet cool and cute outfit and put it on.

Something along the lines of this...

I didn't put makeup on and I put my hair into a quote on quote "messy" bun

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I didn't put makeup on and I put my hair into a quote on quote "messy" bun. We all know I actually tried.

It took me about an hour and it would take me about an hour to get there

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It took me about an hour and it would take me about an hour to get there. I headed out and arrived 45 minutes early. I decided to grab some food from Subway and just look through my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw the post again from Changbin. My rapping video. There was a comment on it from a verified ATEEZ account. "Is that Hyun Jae?" Was that from Mingi? There are 7 other members. It could be any one of them. They all met me yesterday. Don't overthink. It was time for the day anyway. I headed out of my car and made my way into the building. I found myself lost. I made my way to the front desk and gave a petite woman my name. She told me which room to go to and I ended up with the coolest set up a girl could ask for.

 She told me which room to go to and I ended up with the coolest set up a girl could ask for

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Hyun Jae
What? Woah. Thank you KQ Entertainment.

Soon the room was filled with the ATEEZ members and the cute brunette. We were discussing the new song and what it should be about. We agreed on a topic and started writing lyrics. Most of the lyrics were suggested by me but I doubt they used it. The brunette was sent to get coffee and I tagged along of course. There were 10 of us in total. She would die from coffee. Based on her coffee outfits I don't think she would mind. We kept small talk here and there and learned a little more about each other. She was an only child like I am. I asked who her father was and she said her father told her never to tell anyone. About her full name too. I didn't get too much into getting her to talk about it because I would find out sooner or later. Maybe if her dad trusts me. We came back and finished the song. I set up a beat and we managed to finish the song within 2 hours. I ended up finalizing the song on my own while everyone conversed. Soon I found myself turn around and make eye contact with someone who seems to of been staring at me for a while now. Mingi. We stared at each other for a good while and then I slightly nodded and got up from my chair. I thanked and nodded to everyone and headed out of the studio. As I was about to leave someone grabbed my hand.

Hyun Jae

Hey. Wanna hang out today? I have two tickets to a carnival and my friend canceled on me.

I checked my watch and saw it was about 6 PM so why not. She could come over to the house after I guess. I called Changbin and confirmed with him that Daeun could come over to our place after we were done. I took Daeun in my car since she took the bus to work this morning, expecting to be picked up by the supposed friend. We headed to the carnival and arrived fairly quickly. By 6:30 I think it was. We rode the Ferris wheel and grabbed some food. Got scared by clowns a bit but overall have tons of fun with each other. We have quite a lot in common with each other. She even told me she doesn't like her father all that much. She was also an accident but her mother convinced her father to keep her. She doesn't know why her father didn't want her but she's glad she is here. I am too because she seems really cool. She's also very mysterious on some topics. I'm growing more and more curious about her and her life. I'll have to wait to find out I guess. Soon we were heading back to my apartment and playing videos games with Changbin. Changbin and Daeun seem to get along well and are comfortable around each other. Soon days passed. Those days turned into a month. Daeun and I are growing closer. Daeun and Changbin seem to have something blossoming. ATEEZ and I have grown closer also. Soon I was sick and took a week off work. It was the weekend but I knew ATEEZ would be in the studio doing something. So I headed in my car and started my adventure to find all the members favorite snacks. I grabbed them all and a coffee for the brunette. I headed over to the studio and caught Daeun before she went back into the room. I gave her her coffee and my keys and walked into the room. I had her yell from the door that she is going to get something from the car. She did so and everyone yelled "okay." I think I heard Woo-Young say "Wait. She told us her bus story. From this morning. She doesn't have her car." I snickered as soon as everyone turned to the door. I smiled innocently and yelled.

Hyun Jae

I knew something was wrong. Nice to see you again Hyun Jae. It's been a hot minute.

Hyun Jae

Nice to see you again.

That's all he said before he left the room. I said hello to everyone else and Daeun brought the snacks in. I grabbed Mingi's snack and walked around the building until I finally found him leaning against the building outside. I sneakily walked up to him and startled him as I put his snack in front of his face.

Hyun Jae
Here. Your favorite...

Oh. Thanks...

Hyun Jae
Are you alright? I could see it on your face that something was on your mind.

Yeah, something is on my mind. There is a girl I like and she doesn't everything for me and the guys but that's it. I don't think she likes me back.

Hyun Jae
Who is she? I'll give her a piece of my mind!!!

Mingi suddenly laughed and I looked at him confused. He then put his hand on my face.

You can't give her a piece of your mind. You can only think.

Then he kissed me. Mingi just kissed me!

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