13 - Island of Gold

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"We must prepare. Where is Liam when I need him." Louis said as he hurried to the door, and then turned back to me. "Thank you for cooperating."

I shrugged, giving him a half smile because I was disappointed in myself for helping him get this far when it all could lead to something bad happening to me. We left the room and Louis told me to stay out of the way while everyone was busy running around preparing for disembarking.

Staying out of the way was easier said than done and so I stood at the bow of the ship watching the Forbidden Island, as the mermaid had called it, grow closer and closer. It took quite a while for us to sail close enough to really see it.

Then finally, we were close enough that I could tell what it looked like. It was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. It was a small island, it might've taken a day or two to travel across it. And the colors were so vibrant-like nothing I'd ever seen. Green lush forests covered the land and a magnificent pointed mountain rose up near the center. I could even see a waterfall.

"It's a sight to behold, isn't it? I've never seen anything so beautiful." Louis spoke from beside me, making me jump.

"I thought it was suppose to be made of gold?" I said.

"Look closer." He stepped nearer to me until his face was right next to mine and he used his fingers to adjust my chin, pointing at the cone shaped mountain.

I squinted, suddenly seeing streaks of gold running down the side of it. There was another flash of light and I realized what it was. It was the sun reflecting off the gold.

"Amazing." I whispered.

"It doesn't feel real yet, that we actually found it. We're the first in three hundred years to set our eyes on it." Louis murmured.

"Why is it so important to you?" I asked curiously.

"It's treasure. An island made of gold is every pirate's dream." He answered as if it were obvious.

"What are you going to do with all that wealth?" I went on.

He huffed, mumbling under his breath, "Something good for once in my life."

I wondered what he meant and decided to press him one more time for information. "Like what exactly? Give it to the poor?"

He rolled his eyes. "No, I want to fix some things from my past life-things my family made a mess of. I can right all of it with the gold that lies ahead."

"Your family?"

"That's enough questions for now, Indie." Louis stopped me from continuing my interrogation.

"You know that's not my name." I frowned.

"I know. It's the name I decided to call you." Louis tweaked my nose and walked away.

I flushed as he swaggered away to help a crewman. I had initially thought he was simply trying to annoy me by calling me by the wrong name, but perhaps it was a nickname. I'd never been called anything other than Indira, not including the demeaning names I've been called... I suddenly felt like smiling over his name for me.

I hadn't exactly given a thought to the fact that Louis might have a family. The pirates simply seemed like loners. I was increasingly curious about Louis' family and the bad things his family did that he'd mentioned. Was he really planning to do something good with the gold? It seemed unlikely that a ruthless pirate captain would have plans for his treasure that didn't include spending it all on himself. But perhaps I didn't know him as well as I thought I did.

At last, the pirates dropped the anchor right off the beach and the pirates began loading the long boats. Everyone's spirits were high, except mine. I had no idea what was in store for me, besides possibly losing some blood in the near future.

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