What Can Be Worse Than This?

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Finally time for Duncan's backstory.


We just stared at each other, no one making a move to say anything. I knew he was serious when he said those words, but I still searched for any sign of him not meaning what he said. Technically, I knew that under current situation, there was a possible danger of life. But I didn't realise that it was connected with who he really was.

"Can you elaborate on that?" I jumped off the counter and walked back to the sectional. It surprised me how calm I was being about this. He followed me and plopped down on the extreme end of the sectional, away from me. I eyed him curiously as he stared into his drink, also taking note that he had brought the bottle along. "Why are you sitting so far?"

He shrugged, not looking up from his drink. "To maintain my sanity and actually finish the trip down the rather bumpy memory lane." His eyes left his drink to stare up the ceiling as he seemed to sink into the couch. "I don't know where to start." He breathed out and closed his eyes.

"How about the start?" A faint smile touched his smile. "How boring." I tipped my head to the side as I wondered what he meant by that. "How about," He leaned forward and looking at his glass before at me, his fingers tightening around the glass. "The hardest and the most painful part?" I frowned but waited for him to continue.

He stood up and walked to the fireplace as he leaned an arm on the mantle, keeping his back to me. "My mum and my sister were murdered. My sister was only twelve at that time, not even a teen." His voice turned into a whisper as he hung his head. "Her name was Kathlyn. She was an amazing person and absolutely beautiful. You saw her photograph, you would know." The quiver in his voice was too saddening. "I loved her so much although she kept following me around the house and ask me to tell her stories every day. It almost broke my heart when she was sent away to study."

"They were shot in the head." By now his voice was completely strained and choked up. "I was there when it happened." He raised his head and I watched him rub at his eyes before taking another gulp from his drink. "It took six men to hold me down. I begged him to let them go. I was ready to do anything, if it meant I could save them. But he said it was my compassion and love that needed to die because those were my biggest weakens. And I wasn't allowed to have weaknesses."

"Also the reason why none of the girls I was seen with are alive. He just couldn't have me falling in love." He shook his head. "Thankfully nothing happened to Nadia or Clarissa."

"So, that makes me his next target, because you married me." I mused. Taking a deep breath, he turned to face me as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Then why marry me and put me in harm's way? You didn't even know me." He looked at me with bloodshot eyes.

"I knew enough." He sighed, his eyes staring at a point above my head. "And I've told you quite a few times my reasons for marrying yo--"

"I know." I cut him off. "But you've been so vague about it. You wouldn't even talk to me about it when we started out."

"So you want details?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we're deviating from the subject but yeah, I do." I nodded, feeling slightly concerned. He gave a stiff nod. "Fine, then I'll tell you how I came to deal with Luciantra." We walked back to the couch, with me following him, to take a seat.

"It was one of your trustees that came to my office, with an offer and a letter." He started. "The letter was an inquiry letter asking regarding the wreckage that was being transported from Luciantra." I frowned at the information. Information regarding such thing was strictly confidential. As far as we were concerned, no one other than the people involved were to know, what we were working on. "He said that he feared a break-in might occur since this wasn't normal. And therefore he wanted to hire my services to upgrade the security systems in your establishment."

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