Shall We Begin?

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"Mon dieu, Duncan! It's so good to see you again."

I stood there awkwardly with a frown etched on my face as Elaine rounded the counter to hug Duncan who returned it with a huge grin on his face. "Where were you these past few days? I didn't hear from you after that dinner we had together. You got me so worried." She reprimanded him with mock anger. This was obvious, judging by the bright smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, I should've called but I got a bit busy." Duncan said glancing in my direction. Elaine finally seemed to notice me since she turned to look at me. She eyed me curiously before she grinned like the Cheshire cat. Pushing Duncan away, she looked between the two of us before resting it on Duncan with a knowing look. "Looks like you finally landed yourself a lady, Hugh." She directed it to Duncan, using his middle name. "I..." he started but was interrupted when she grabbed him by his forearm and pulled him down to whisper something in his ear. Once she was done, Duncan straightened up and cleared his throat uncomfortably.

At this moment, I was felt so left out and confused that I was ready to get out of here. "Look at you! Don't you look like an adorable little lost puppy." My eyes widened when Elaine pinched my cheeks and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "I hope you don't mind me calling your, judging by the wedding rings on your finger, husband, Hugh. You see I kinda feel that the name Duncan is a bit too long. Like who is going to go all the way saying Du-n-can? Hugh is so much easier, don't you agree? You know just looking at you I can tell, we're going to be the best of friends. When I was young, people my age didn't like to be around me. They claimed that I was too forward and lippy. Like come on! I don't even talk that much. So, I never really had any friends until this guy came along. But then too I kinda felt that he was obligated to deal with me. After all there was hardly any time when we weren't in the same room." I blinked at her as she kept going. Well she clearly loves to talk.

"El, please don't be hard on her." Duncan thankfully cut her off as he tiredly ran a hand down his face. "Me? Hard? On her?" Elaine had an apalled look on her face as she stared at Duncan. "Hugh, I'm sorry but I believe that when it comes to her it's only you, who is going to be hard, and inside her."

Great, now I'm currently the ugliest tomato in the room.

"Elaine!" This time it was Duncan who looked both apalled and embarrassed, if the pinkish tinge on his face was anything to go by. "Whoops, looks like it's time for me to go and call the old man. He has been dying to see you since we came back. Now, shoo don't block my entrance, you already know where to sit." She made a 'go away' gesture to us, while she herself started heading towards another door.

I fiddled with my engagement ring awkwardly once she was out of sight, not knowing what to do with the awkward air, she left us in. Duncan cleared his throat, making me freeze, before slowly walking closer to me. "Ignore what she said. She never thinks before opening her mouth." He said softly, as he softly caressed my forearm with his hand, in a soothing gesture. I nodded meekly as he snaked an arm around me. He led me to a four seater table which had a nice view and was more secluded than other tables.

I smiled when Duncan pulled the chair for me, and sat down after saying a small 'thank you'. I shot him a questioning look when instead of taking the seat opposite to me, he sat down on the seat next to me. "What? I don't want anyone else to know the things I'll be telling you tonight. I'm a man of secrets and I'd like to keep it that way." He shrugged. Okay then...

"Good evening, Mr Marshall." A waiter who appeared to be in his mid thirties, wearing a brown uniform, approached us. "Ma'am." He gave me a curt nod which I returned with a smile. "My name is William and I'll be your server for the evening. May I offer you your usual choice in wine, on the house?" He asked Dunca. I looked at Duncan who had an unimpressed look on his face as he stared at William. "Will, can you tell pops not to keep offering his best wine to me, for free? He knows I can pay for it and I want to pay for it." William or Will's posture relaxed as a frustrated look appeared on his face. "Duncan, you very well know that he never listens. I still don't get why you keep trying." He rolled his eyes. "I'll be right back with your drinks, till then you can decide what you would like to have." Duncan opened his mouth to protest but William was already scurrying away.

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