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I know, not something you all have been waiting for. But college has been really hectic and on top of that I keep rewriting the upcoming chapter. So, I'll try to complete the chapter and update as soon as I can.

Unknown POV (Age 10)

"Fratello! Fratello! Fratello!"

"What is it, sorella?" I asked looking up from my laptop to see my sister bouncing around my room. "Tell me a story, Fratello!" I laughed at her eager big eyes and bouncy pigtails as she bounced on my bed. I shut my laptop and placed it to the side before beckoning her to come to me. "Come here, Scootsy."

"Don't call me that!" She whined, puffing out her cheeks as she cuddled onto my side. "So, what kind of story do want to hear today, love?" I asked, wrapping an arm around her. "A king! A brave one, like fratello!" She cheered looking at me with her bright blue eyes which could melt the coldest of hearts, with only one exception.

"How about King Arthur?" I offered softly, saddened by the fact that she called me a brave king when I was anything but that. Just because I came back covered in bruises and cuts didn't mean I conquered any battles. But she didn't need to know that. She was going to leave soon, somewhere away from all this mess. And as long as she remembered me as her hero, I was content. 

"Yes, please."

"A long long time ago, there lived a boy named Arthur." I started as I subconsciously kept brushing her hair. "He wasn't a noble, prince or a king for that matter. Everyone thought he would never be able to achieve anything in life. But there one person who saw something in him, that no one else did."

"Who was it, fratello?" 

"It was Merlin, baby." I smiled at her enthusiasm. "Do you want to know, what he said?" She nodded and that's how she came to know the entire fictional version of King Arthur and his knights of the round table.

"Did he die after the war, fratello?" He did die but I can't possibly tell that to my teary eyed baby sister. She is too fragile to know about the darkness of death. Although, we live right in the middle of it.

"No, baby." I smiled, wiping her tears. "He was just wounded and you know how strong Arthur is. After the war, he was taken to an island which is said to be the heaven on Earth. It's also where his sword, Excalibur, came from." Her sparkly eyes widened in excitement. "Really?" I nodded with feigned excitement. "Yes, really! And do you know what that island was called?"

She shook her head profusely, eager to know the name of the heavenly place on Earth. "Avalon." I answered. "Avalon, was the place where Arthur was healed and later buried after he lived a long happy life."

"Fratello, I want to go to Avalon! Will you take me there?" She stood up on the bed and start bouncing in excitement.  "Will you, fratello? Will you?" I smiled, uneasily. "Sure." I shrugged, making her cheer in pure joy. "But there's a problem." I mused, ominously.

She stopped her cheering and frowned. "What is it?" I reached out and pulled her back to me. "The thing is, that not anyone can go there. You have to be a really nice person if you want to go there. You need to eat all your veggies, listen to mama, respect everyone, keep your room tidy, study well..."

"That's a lot of things, fratello." She mumbled sadly.

"Hey, don't be sad." I tickled her tummy, making her giggle. "You've a fratello for a reason. I'll help you do all of that if you do something for me." She perked up at my offer. "What should I do? Tell me! Tell me!"

I tapped my chin as if in deep thought before looking down at her with a grin. "Give your fratello a kissy." She squealed, before grabbing my face and placing a loud kiss on my cheek. I chuckled and took her in a bear hug while she squealed to be let go.

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