In My Bed?

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I think this is my favorite chapter so far. So, I hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. 


It was past midnight when I finally reached home. Everything was dark and silent, just how I expected it to be. The guide lights though were thankfully on, illuminating the corridors and hallways as I maneuvered through the quiet house. I climbed up the stairs and stopped in front of Duncan's room. I should check on him, right? I really hope he is sleeping right now, and I don't have to resort to giving him pills. Those things are addictive.

Hesitantly, I cracked open his bedroom door and peeked in. I let out a relieved sigh, when I saw  him fast asleep, his face visible from the lamp light as a book laid face down on his chest. With a satisfied smile, I closed the door and entered my own room. I got ready for shower, even though it was almost 2am. I just couldn't get myself, to go straight to bed with all the grime of the day.

After a much needed relaxing shower as I lotioned my hands, I noticed the lack of bottled water on the bedside table. I huffed, annoyed at the fact that I had to go back down to get one. A yawn escaped me as I climbed back upstairs, after grabbing my bottle. 

I yelped in surprise, when a crash sounded, as I went to open the door to my room. Like in horror movies, I slowly turned my head towards the source of the sound. Which happened to be Duncan's room. I felt a mix of frustration and worry wash over me. I wanted, no needed to sleep but I was too worried to not check on Duncan. I placed the bottle down next to my door before going to his door. I pressed an ear to his door but couldn't hear much. Either it was my imagination or the sounds were too faint to be heard.

Letting out a breath, I pushed his door open and walked in. His face shone under the moonlight, making him look ethereal. His light brown hair looked more blonde while the shadow play made his sharp features appear more pronounced. He looked perfect at the moment. That is, if one could turn a blind eye on the frown etched on his face and the beads of perspiration sprinkled over his face, neck soaking his grey cotton t-shirt.

I frowned at the table lamp that was lying on the carpet beside his bed along with the book. My attention went back to him when a groan escaped his lips. I tried to listen closely as he muttered few incoherent words under his breath.

"Ma... N-no... Kathy"


Who could Kathy be?

I leaned closer as he continued mumbling in his sleep "No... S-stop... Not her... Kathy... help..." My eyes widened as I realised what was happening. "Duncan, wake up." I shook him worriedly but instead his breathing turned heavy and rapid. His hands trembled as he moved his hands a bit. "Duncan." I tried again, growing more and more worried. "L-let go..." he mumbled as he seemed to want to get rid of my touch.

"Duncan, wake up." I screamed but it also didn't seem to work as he just winced, nothing more. His face screwed up in pain as his lips parted and rapid shallow breaths passed through his lips. It took me a while to understand what was happening but when I did, it only sent me into a frenzy. He was not being able to breathe.

Was he having an anxiety attack in his sleep?

"Duncan?" I mumbled in disbelief, not knowing what to do. Should I pour a bucket of water on him? But I heard that waking someone too suddenly from a nightmare, can take some serious permanent toll on them.

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