Aren't You Going To Eat?

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Duncan's POV

Something wasn't right.

The pad of my thumb kept rubbing against my fingers, as I tried to focus on what Owen Yates form Jackson Holdings was explaining. I checked my watch for the third time in the past ten minutes. 

We were only twenty minutes into the meeting, and I already wanted to leave. Which was uncharacteristic of me. I loved meeting prospective clients and making them see what I thought was amazing. Call me pretentious, but I enjoy talking about what my team and I had created. We were the market leaders, our clients knew that, and that fact was never going to change.

The night was getting darker by every passing hour. Eva, should be reaching home in more ten minutes. Just the thought of her makes me smile and I can't wait to be back home with her. It's amazing how it has already been nine months and I hope, she'll allow me to turn these months into forever.

Sometimes it just seems too good to be true. A year ago from now, I wouldn't have even thought about chatting up a woman, let alone marry one. But here we are, and it feels like a dream. 

I snap out of my thoughts when Herbert suddenly excuses himself. My eyes follow him as he disappears out of the conference room. I look back at Owen and his team as they resume, whatever they were saying. 

This wasn't working.

I slipped my phone out of my suit pocket and checked for any messages. Nothing. I huffed out a breath. Something is wrong, I can feel it in my bones. The conference door swings open, once again, cutting Owen off. My fears were confirmed when I saw the look on Herbert's face.

I shot out of my chairs and he handed me the phone. "It's for you." He whispered gravely and this time it was me, who excused himself. I walked into the silent corridor, Herbert on my heels. "Marshal." I spoke into the phone.

"Mr Marshal, this is Kevin Fisher from the HQ." I recognized the name from the Emergency Response department. I'd set up this department just a few years ago, to track any security emergency in-case I wasn't available. It wasn't a interesting job, but important nonetheless. It helped speed up the back-up processes.

"Tell me." I gestured Herbert to pass me my tab. "It has been 40 minutes since Sam and Derek last checked in. I checked their car and cell trackers but they all indicate their position to be outside Historical Society. We initiated contact but there were no response." I felt myself go tense and stared hard into my tab. As per our last call, Eva should've already left for home.

"Any intruder alert?" I asked even though, I knew the reply to it. "None."

"Contact dispatch. Now." I ordered before ending the call. I looked at Herbert and before I could throw any more orders, he spoke. "The jet would be ready to fly by the time we reach the airport. Someone is packing and checking us out of the hotel as we speak. Mrs Kelly will take care of the rest of the meeting. And Mr Yates has shown great understanding for our departure on grounds of emergency." 

"Let's go." I nodded. As we got into the elevator, I called Eva. But as expected, she didn't answer. Thus confirming my fear. 

It was official. My father was in New York. He'd finally made his move.

Once we were in the car, I gave Woods a call, who initially wasn't happy about getting called on his day off. But as discussed would be waiting at my place with Clarissa. And finally I sent a simple text to Ryker.  The car ride was silent and quick, for which I was grateful. The last thing I wanted right now, was to stuck in traffic, states away.

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