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Turns out some of you have forgotten what 'Luciantra' is so this is a special chapter solely dedicated to Luciantra.


Historical Society Archives


Luciantra was a Spanish Merchant ship owned by the Spanish merchant family of Landaverdes. Luciantra was constructed in 1895 by the finest ship makers of that time. It was to set sail in the second quarter of 1906 to carry out trade with the colonies in Africa. Being a merchant ship on its way to trade with the most wealthy colony of the time, the ship was loaded with riches.

It was unfortunate that the ship was not able to reach its destination. The ship happened to get caught in one of the thunderstorms at the Cape of Good Hope. Which changed its course and made it crash into some rocks or boulders near the continent of North America.

The ship was rumoured to carry a lot of riches including gold, precious stones, precious yarns, pieces of exemplary craftsmanship, paintings, the list goes on. Which drowned to the bottom of the ocean with the ship. It is also rumoured that the ship was carrying much more wealth then what was accounted for. The unaccounted wealth was said to be the illegal wealth that the Landaverde family had gathered through their dealings in the black market.

But what got the ship and its wreckage famous was that it sank with something extremely priceless, the greed for which took many lives including that of the ship's crew and people who went in search of it in future.

There are neither any written records of its existence nor has anyone seen it. Rather than a rumour it's a legend. A legend which is most probably a tall tale but people love to believe it and tell stories about.

The Historical Society doesn't support or believe in any such legends and rumours without any written proof.

Recorded on 20 March 2003 15:48

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