Chapter Two

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[Land of a Million Drums- OutKast]

I open the door and shut it behind me, not even bothering to lock it. I walk to the couch and plop down on it.

"Look who finally decided to come home."

"I was too tired to walk the rest of the way home so I decided to sleep on a bus bench." I groan as I shut my eyes.

"You slept on a bus bench?" He lets out a short chuckle.

"Shut up ok. I was tired."

"Why didn't you just call me? I would've picked you up and driven you home."

"I didn't want you to pick me up. I was crying all over the place. You know I don't like when people see me cry."

"But I'm your bud. You don't have to hide anything from me. Besides, I've seen you when you were sleeping, some nights you would be crying like a little baby." He teases.

"Ian shut up. You don't know what I've been through." I growl, looking over at him.

"She was my friend too Carlos. You're not the only one who was close to her." He crosses his arms and scowls at me.

"I'm sorry. It's just hard."

"I know. You know what would make you feel better?" He asks. "Watching Stepbrothers."

"I'm not in the mood." I roll off the couch and onto the floor.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod as I stand up.

"You want me to bring you some breakfast or something?!" He calls out as I slowly wobble down the hall.

"I'm good! I'm just gonna sleep!" I yawn.

Before I'm even in my room I take my shirt off and toss it somewhere random. I open my bedroom door and walk along the huge, clean, empty space towards my bed.

I still don't know why I got a house so huge. I don't even live with anyone else, my friends just come over sometimes. I guess they use my house as a place to party, which I'm always gone when that happens so don't have to be near all those people. I guess I'm really anti-social. I'm also really tired.

I yawn again as I take each of my shoes off and throw them behind me. I finally reach something soft and fall onto it and immediately fall asleep.


I wake up to my phone ringing and I answer it.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Don't forget you have that therapy appointment today at one." I sigh aggravated, realizing I forgot about it.

"Fuck you man." I say leaving my bed and walking to the bathroom.

"You can thank me later, you have to be there in half an hour."

"Oh I will thank you later." I mutter before hanging up. Thank him by kicking his ass.

I get out of the shower and change into jeans, a dark gray t-shirt, black combat boots, and of course I can't forget my expensive leather jacket. I brush my black hair to the right like it's always been, except now it's a bit longer and darker. I look at my chin and above my lip and debate on weather I should shave the black stubble beard that I always have. Meh, I'll keep it. Before I walk out the door I slip my black leather watch on. All set.

I walk into the little building and sit in the chair in the waiting room.

This is shit! I never asked for this! I don't need anyone's help! No one can fix me!

Julie BaneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang