Chapter Eighteen- Who Are You?

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Julie's POV

  I slowly open my eyes and see a bunch of men and women with white suits and surgical masks surrounding me. Where am I?

  "She's awake." One of them say. "Tell her friends." Another one says and one of them leave to go somewhere.

  I look down at my hands and see my right hand is wrapped in a bandage and my left arm is in a sling. Why do I have these things?

  I open my mouth to ask but close it when my throat feels dry like a desert.

"Someone get her some water." One of them command and suddenly there's a glass of water in front of me. I willingly chug it down and sigh relieved.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"The hospital. How are you feeling?" One lady asks.

"Why am I at the hospital? Why do I have these things on me?"

"Because you were in a car crash and then you-"

  "Hang on." A Doctor stops the lady. "We should see how much she remembers. Let's not scare her." He says and turns to me. "Do you know your name?" He asks slowly and I give him a weird look.

  "Yeah, it's Julie Bane." I roll my eyes.

  "Good. What's the last thing you remember?" I think hard.

  "Um, I... I was walking home from school and then this guy came up to me and told me I had to see someone. Something about my dad who I never meant. I don't really know." They all exchange looks.

  "Do you recall being in a car with a teenage boy?" He asks and I snort.

  "The only reason I would be in the car with any guy is because he's trying to kidnap me. And no, no I do not." I shake my head. "Why?"

  "No reason." He sighs and walks away.

  "Well some people would like to see you, is that okay?" I nod as they all leave.

  Why am I at a hospital? What happened to my wrist and arm? God I hate hospitals. Needles. There's so many needles at them! Wait, what did they say about a car crash?

  "Julie!" I jump when someone's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and arms wrap around me, instantly making me scream. The arms quickly let go and I look at who just grabbed me.

  It's a boy with blue eyes, black hair, and, oh hey, he has a wrist brace on his left wrist, just like I have a sling on my left arm!

"Where my pepper spray!" I scream as I sit up and look around quickly.

"What?" The boy asks. I look at the three people behind him. A man and a teenage boy his age. Why are they staring at me like that? My eyes start watering as I think about what could've happened.

These people, these four men have kidnapped me and made me their sex slave! And now I'm pregnant by one of them and that's why I'm at the hospital! Because I gave birth! Holy shit! Noooooo!

I cry and lay my face in my hands.

"W-what's wrong Julie?" The cute looking boy who embraced me earlier asks as he lays his hand on my shoulder, making me jump. But then relax for some reason.

"Where's my baby? Please don't hurt it! It doesn't have any part in this. Please, leave the baby alone!" I beg him. He raises a brow confused and looks at the other three.

"What are you talking about?" He asks looking back at me.

"Where did you put the baby?" I ask.

"What baby?"

"My baby!" I yell and he flinched. "The baby that I created because one of you harassed me for your own stupid pleasure!"

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" One guy behind him asks.

"Julie, babe, none of us did that to you or anyone. You do not have a baby and you are not pregnant." The older man says loud and slowly.

"No?" I ask. "Oh, then what the heck happened, where I'm the world am I, and who the duck are you people?" I ask and they all seem to tense as they look at each other with worries looks.

One doctor comes in and looks at the boys.

"She has memory loss. The last thing she remembers is walking home from school and someone coming up to her and saying something about a dad she's never meant." She explains and the boy sitting on the bed next to me looks at the older man.

"That was two weeks ago." He says.

Julie BaneWhere stories live. Discover now