Chapter Nine

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Julie's POV

  As I stand at my locker something feels different. I turn my head and look at all the people who are dead silent and are staring at someone. I look the direction they're looking and see a tall, muscular man walking like it's normal that everyone's staring at him. He walks slowly but powerfully in his black combat boots that go well with his dark jeans. He pops the collar of his leather jacket up and I roll my eyes. He has an 'I don't care' expression in his face, like he always does. His blue eyes spot me and he smiles as he walks up to me. I roll my eyes and continue looking through my locker.

  "Hey princess." He says, leaning against the locker next to mine.

  "I'm not a princess Carlos, if you look close enough, actually you don't have to look close at all, I'm just obviously not a princess." I say. "Now if you have a good answer, I'd like to ask what you're doing in my school." I look at him.

  "I'm your bodyguard." He says.

  "Ok, that doesn't answer my question, why the duck are you in my school?"

  "Why the duck?" He raises a brow.

  "Yes, I don't like swearing, now answer my question."

  "I have to keep you safe, and it seems the place you're in most danger is school, so I'm going to your school now."

  "You don't belong in a high school, you belong in a college. You're nineteen."

  "Actually I never graduated high school so I can be here."

  "That explains your lack of intelligence." I mumble.

"That was rude." He scoffs.

"But true." I mumble again. "So how did you manage to become a student here?"

"Don't ask questions." I roll my eyes.

"Well, have fun being in Hell school again." I sigh. "I have to get to class."

"Bye." He waves to me as I turn and walk away. He is so weird.

"Did you see that new guy?" I hear the girls behind me whisper. "Oh he is so hot."

"I saw him talking r that one girl in the hall. I think her name was... I don't know, J something."

"Julie." I mumble to myself.

I walk towards my locker and as I look up I see him standing there with his arms crossed. I really want to push him down an escalator sometimes.

"Can you leave me alone? It's bad enough you sleep on my couch. I don't need you in my school." I say opening my locker.

"As your bodyguard it's against the rules for me to leave you alone." He says. "You know what the up side of having me as your bodyguard is?"

"I thought there were only down sides." I say.

"I'm fun." He smiles.

"That's it? That's all you have? Just, you're fun?"

"Ha, I got you to say I'm fun!" He exclaims.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is that what you heard? I meant to say fun spelled backwards."

"What's that?"

"N-U-F. What does that spell?"


"Yes, now add an 'e' sound to the beginning of that."

"E-nuf." He says then narrows his eyes at me. "Hey." He frowns.

"Exactly Carlos, that's what you are. E-nuf." I shut my locker and head the direction of the cafeteria.

"Yeah well you know what you are?" He asks walking with me.

"What am I Carlos?" I sigh. He thinks, it seems like he's thinking very hard.

"You're..." He groans. "I don't know. I can't think of anything right now." He gives up.

"How bout- Ahh!" I fall to the floor on my face and wince as I rub my forehead.

"How bout clumsy." Carlos says as he helps me up.

"Sure." I sigh.

Julie BaneWhere stories live. Discover now