Chapter Four- Julie Bane

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  I walk into Adams office and see him and Dennis sitting behind his desk with some girl across from them in front of the desk. I can't see her face because her back is turned to me as she sits in the chair but she has a long sleeve, light purple shirt with the same color skirt and black leggings with black flats. She has very long, straight hair that goes all the way to her hips. It's color is rich chocolate dark brown hair and it looks so soft. And it has a shiny glare to it from the lights in the room.

  Why do they have this girl here?

    "Julie," Dennis speaks and clears his throat. "I'm your father."

  Welp, Mr Banes officially lost it. Poor guy.

  I let out a deep chuckle as I lean against the door frame. Adam looks at me and rolls his eyes.

  The girl jumps up and sprays something- I'm assuming pepper spray- in Dennis's face and turns to start running but Adam grabs her. I stand up straighter and watch amused.

  The girl tries running away but cant. She sprays the pepper spray in his face and and lets go and screams. The girl dubs past me and down the hall.

  "Carlos, get that girl, she's important!" Adam orders me.
And you know I have to follow his orders, he's my boss.

  I run down the hall after her. She's not very fast. She looks back at me and runs faster. This is fun.

  "Get back here!" I shout, not hiding the laughter in my voice. She gets to a dead end and stops. She turns to me, takes off her shoe and throws it at me. I pick it up from the floor where it landed after hitting my chest.

  "You're not getting this back." I chuckle. I stop laughing when our eyes meet. She has dark brown eyes and pale skin, she also has freckles all over her soft round face. She has a dark brown hair clip on the left side of her hair clipping back the hair that would be in her face right now if it weren't there. Something about her face seems so familiar.

I drop the shoe to the floor and stare at her with my mouth gaping open and closed like a fish. I finally find the words, "What the hell?"

I find myself walking backwards away from her, not being able to tear my eyes away from hers. She looks at me weirdly as I do.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask.

"Who are you?" She asks back. Her voice is soft, quiet, and delicate, it's such a sweet sound.


"Where am I?"

"A gang house." Her eyes widen.

  "A gang house?" She repeats, her voice cracking. I shake my head when I remember Adams orders and snap out of the trance I was in.

  I walk over to her and grab her small arm firmly and she tenses.

  "W-what are you doing?" She asks as I walk her.

  "Taking you to my boss." We walk past her shoe and she quickly grabs it and puts it on.

  "I don't want to go." She says.

  "Well we all have to do things we don't want to do." I say.

  "What are you going to do to me?"

  "I'm not going to do anything. I don't know who you are or why you're here or what you have to do with this gang but that's what I'm going to find out." I explain. "Oh, and just a little tip, just cooperate and you won't get your ass kicked." I say.

  We get back to Adams office and they're waiting for us with red eyes.

  "You, sit. Carlos, shut the door and lock it." I push the girl to the chair and shut and lock the door ten lean against it with my arms crossed.

Julie BaneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum