Chapter 13: Wanderers

Comenzar desde el principio

"Do you not understand me? Want me to screw you up"

The long-haired young man cocked the shotgun threateningly.

Suddenly, Han Xiao threw an elbow into the chest of the unsuspecting young man, sending him flying back in shock. Han Xiao grabbed the shotgun from him out of mid-air.

The young man landed heavily on the ground, and he clutched his chest in terror as he scrambled to crawl away.

Han Xiao cut out some rope from the trap and tied the whimpering young man to a tree.

When he examined the shotgun, he realized that its barrel was outright crooked and shook his head. At the very least, it implied that the young man had never killed before and that he had only been acting.

Nonetheless, the young man was so terrified that when he saw it in Han Xiao's hand, he panicked even more.

"Big brother, please spare me! Forgive me for not recognizing Mt. Tai."

Han Xiao slapped him squarely on the face, reprimanding, "So, you know that you were wrong"

"I was wrong. I was wrong," blurted the young man shamelessly.


The young man thought for a moment before carefully answering, "I should have brought one more gun?"

Han Xiao burst into laughter.

"You're a funny one, eh?"

"Please show me mercy, Mr. Saint. Just let me go as if you're passing wind," sobbed the young man with dripping tears.

"Get lost! I've never passed such a big wind before."

Han Xiao raised the shotgun and struck the young man across his face to knock him out cold. At the end of the day, the young man was most likely a resident of the encampment, and Han Xiao still needed to obtain food and water from them.

"Count yourself lucky."

Half an hour later, Han Xiao finally reached the encampment. His appearance seemed to unsettle the wanderers.

Life in the wild was full of perils, and wanderers were often unwelcoming to outsiders. Their way of life was similar to that of the gypsies, and they were frequently on the go. There were pick-up trucks lined up outside the tent. Most of them were rusty and some didn't even have exteriors.

Han Xiao noticed that there were only a few dozen tents, making this community a relatively small one. Nevertheless, it was a miniature society in its own, and Han Xiao located the camp's merchant: a bearded westerner who conducted his business by his pick-up truck.

"Outsider?" The bearded man raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know the rules?" he asked.

"What rules?"

"Barter trading only."

Well, that's just fine , thought Han Xiao, since I don't have a single penny.

"I want a map, three buckets of water, and five kilos of food. Bread or dried meat will do." said Han Xiao as he retrieved a handful of bullets from his bag and put them on the truck.

"I'll pay with this."


The bearded merchant's eyes flashed with greed.

Gunpowder was extremely valuable among wanderers as hunting was a key source of food.

"150 bullets," stated the bearded merchant.

Han Xiao's face darkened.

Daylight robbery!

The items he had asked for were basic necessities. There was no way that they could be worth so much.

Han Xiao's bronze bullets were high-quality bullets that could easily go for $10 apiece, yet the merchant was asking for 150 of them, equivalent to $1,500!

"Up to you," added the merchant nonchalantly as he turned his attention to his fingernails.

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