Chapter 39 | Amal

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Author's Note

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu hu everyone!

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I was headed home from work and as soon as I walked in, I could sense there was something different. I don't know what it was though. I put my bag and coat down and walked into the kitchen. My father and mother sat around the table. As soon as I walked in, my father gestured for me to sit down. My heart started to beat faster immediately. I had no clue what was going on and I was trying to think of all the things that I had done wrong in the past few months. But the again, maybe it had been something that had happened years ago that had resurfaced now. I gulped inwardly and smiled, asking my parents if everything was okay.

"Everything is fine. But we have something we want to discuss with you." I simply nodded my head and allowed my father to continue. 

"There has been a man who has asked for his son if he can get to know you better and to see if there is a possibility in marriage."

I looked surprised. Surely that was a good thing? Was I missing something? I didn't think anyone would want their son to marry someone who had been married before. 

"I don't understand. What's the issue?"

"Well, my darling. There are several. But we are going to lay down the facts and then we are going to leave this entirely down to you." My mother spoke this time around. I hesitated. This didn't seem to be sounding very good.

"Number one - he is also a divorcee. Number two - he has a daughter. And number three, the biggest issue of them all - this man is the one who was married to Yasir's...I don't even know what to call her..." 

I sat silently for a few moments, processing the information. If I was thinking about this correctly, the man in question would be Malaikah's older brother. And her parents were the ones asking. I had always liked them, but this situation seemed rather bizarre to me, not bad, just odd. I worded my next sentences very carefully. 

"Here are my counter points. It doesn't matter that he is divorced, I mean so am I. I cannot judge.  And you married dad, even though my dad already had me. And honestly if I can be half as good as you have been to be me my whole life, then I will be content..." My mother smiled at me and clasped my hand. 

"You know I love you, darling."

"I know you do. I will think about it and I will let you know my decision if I want to go through with it or not? Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course. Take your time. But remember this is entirely your choice, whatever you want." My father had been emphasising that all the time since the divorce. I knew my dad was consumed with the guilt of my failed marriage. I didn't blame my father thought. They were only trying to do what was best for me. 

I left the kitchen to go upstairs and remove my work clothes. For some reason, I had a really good feeling about this. Maybe, I still had a chance. And maybe things could still work out. This really was my choice. And I knew my parents would go with whoever I say. So maybe this was a good idea. I had followed my parent's wishes last time, but this time I would follow mine and see where that would lead me. Wherever it would take me, I had full faith in Allah Ta'ala that things would work out for the best. And that whatever was meant for me would come to me and whatever wasn't would never reach me. 

"What is meant for you will reach you even if it's beneath two mountains. What isn't won't reach you even if it's between your two lips." - Arab proverb

--------------------------------------------------------------- THE END ---------------------------------------------------

Author's Note

I was planning to write another sequel to it regarding how Zayn and Amal get married and how their relationship pans out but I am not too sure or maybe a sequel to see what happens with Malaikah and Charlie.

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