Chapter 8 | Malaikah

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Author's Note

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu hu everyone!

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"The neighbour and his wife are coming to dinner next week." Abdullah told me as we sat watching TV together. Well I say we were watching TV but neither of us actually were. I was on my phone whilst Abdullah sat trying to do his homework. I turned to look at him. How was it that a 10 year old knew more about these things than me? And since when was the neighbour married? My mind went back to the day where I had seen him and that woman on the bench. It made a lot more sense now. It could have been his wife. But still they should have maybe not got so...close in the public eye. But each to their own, I guess. 

I glanced at my watch and noticed I was going to be late for my appointment now if I didn't head out now. I kissed my mum and walked towards the bus stop where Charlie was waiting.

"Took your time," he said as he tapped his watch. I rolled my eyes at him. Charlie and I had met on the first day of year 7 at our new secondary school. It would be a lie to say we got on instantly. More accurate to say that er hated each other. We both competed for top spot in everything. There would be times I would win and times he would win. It was only after our English teacher has forced us to work together that we actually got to know each other. We were very similar in many ways that we never would have noticed. He was the only child of a lawyer and a doctor, both graduates from Harvard. Together his parents jointly owned a law firm and a private GP practice. Pressure was high on him to perform. And just as I was afraid of being a disappointment to my family, he was afraid of being one in front of his. And before the haram police attack me, he was just a really good friend. You didn't find many of them. We were never alone. Always with people or in public. So it's not like anything would happen. But I knew my line. I hated it when people tried to put me down just because I was friends with him. Muslims these days didn't seem to act like Muslims. People liked to talk. But my parents trusted me. I was glad they were not the type to put what the community thinks before their children.

We got on the bus together and I went to my dentist appointment whilst he waited for me in the reception area. By the time I had returned he had disappeared. Ugh great. Now where was he? I walked out of the dentist and dialled his number. Before I heard the first ring I felt a tap on my shoulder. I knew it was Charlie and I was right. He was holding up two Starbucks cups and a bag from Greggs. 

"I bought something for us to eat." I took the bag from his hand and pulled out the cheese and onion pasty. As I was going to take a bite, I noticed someone staring at me from across the street. I vaguely recognised from mosque. I knew what was tonight to happen now. Somehow I knew some totally new and exaggerated rumour would reach my parents totally exaggerating the whole situation. Charlie noticed my frown and asked what was wrong. I ignored his question and told him to walk. It had been so long since we had a proper conversation. We had both been so occupied with our A-Levels that we didn't really have much time as we had before. I didn't realise how much time had noticed until I noticed that the sun had set and the moon was already up. I should probably call my mother to let her know I was going to be late. Although she was used to my lateness by now. I dialled the number and my mum picked up. 

"Have you seen the time?" I could hear my mum sigh down the phone and I felt quite bad. My mother wasn't like the other Pakistani people we knew. Now I knew everyone thinks their mum is the best person ever but my mum actually was the best mother ever. They may have been bought up in Pakistan but they were nothing like the others. They treated me like I was their child not as if I was their possession like I saw some parents do. I knew my mother deserved a much better daughter than me. 

"I have to go home now Charlie." We turned into an alleyway that seemed to have no light apart from a single dull glare from a window above. I didn't feel all that comfortable but I needed to get home quick so I followed Charlie in. As we were walking down the alleyway, Charlie's voice suddenly halted. I looked up at him where he had his eyes fixed on a dark shadow, or rather two dark shadows that seemed to be getting closer. My heart started to beat faster and my first instinct was to grab Charlie. The contact seemed to surprise Charlie - well it would, I never went near him - and he gawked at me. 

I screamed suddenly as a pair of hands grabbed me but my scream was cut short by one of the hands covering my hand. I wanted to bite his hand but his grip was too tight and I couldn't even breath. My eyes widened as the other man grabbed Charlie and threw a punch at him unexpectedly. I tried to get out of his grasp but I couldn't. Blood was dripping from Charlie's face. He tried to fight back but it didn't seem to working. Tears fell from my eyes as I watched Charlie drop out of consciousness. As his head hit the ground, the man leaned over him and fumbled through his pockets. He emptied it of its cash and removed Charlie's watch. The person that was holding me let go of me and pushed me to the ground before they ran off. I scrambled over to Charlie and called his names but he didn't answer. I called the ambulance but I couldn't get the words out as I spoke to the operator. His blood had drenched my jacket that I had removed to hinder the bleeding. I begged Allah (سبحانه وتعلي) to save him as the blood flow didn't seem to be stopping.

Please wake up. 

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