Chapter 9 | Amal

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Author's Note

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu hu everyone!

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After 6 months, I had finally found a job. It was part of an editing company that helped new authors to publish books. The company was relatively small but the atmosphere had a positive buzz to it. I had been set to work with another colleague named Karen. Karen liked to talk which was a good thing because I liked to listen. Within a few hours of my first day, I knew enough about her to write a 500-page biography on her. But she was nice and she made me feel comfortable. It meant I didn't have to do much talking. 

"So, are you married? Or boyfriend maybe." She asked me out of the blue. I held up my hand to indicate the wedding ring Yasir had given me. 

"Oooh, how long have you been married? How did you meet?" A whole list of questions rolled of her tongue that I could barely comprehend them. I answered them but she found it extremely strange about how I didn't know him at all before marriage,

"Like what about if you had hated each other? What then?" I shrugged my shoulders. 

I had been blessed so I didn't have to worry about crossing that bridge ever. Over the last couple of months, our marriage had strengthened in many ways. Yasir was in many ways the ideal movie husband. He bought me flowers and chocolates spontaneously, showered me with gifts and on the odd occasion even tried to cook for me. But at the same time, I noticed the little things that I wasn't all that fond of but at the end of the day his flaws made him as a person. I was more than fully aware that I was not in any way flawless and often I had thought that Yasir was way too good for me. It wasn't just me though that thought this. Although people did not mention it, I was very aware that many thought this of us too. 

I ended up finishing almost an hour later than when I was supposed to and I was in a rush to get home. I had a text from Yasir asking where I was. He usually didn't come home this early. But had recently got a new promotion as the head of the department. Because of this, his hours tended to fluctuate a lot. 

I opened the front door and I could smell burning. My eyes widened as I went into the kitchen and noticed the smoke. All of a sudden, the fire alarm started blaring followed by a rush of footsteps down the stairs. Yasir burst in and groaned, 

"Ugh, why does this always happen?" I opened the oven door and took out a burnt pizza, well I assumed it was pizza. I couldn't really tell. The entire pizza was charred on the top and it seemed to have stuck to the pan. I started laughing and Yasir glared at me. 

We ended up having to ordering the pizza as the Yasir's "pizza" was not in the slightest edible. We turned on the TV and I put my head on his chest whilst we waited for the pizza delivery. He asked me how my first day was. All in all, it had been a good day. I had liked the job and the salary was a good starting point. We heard a knock on the door and I got up to answer it. I opened the door, expecting the delivery guy but who I saw was Yasir's parents. Well, that was certainly not expected. I gave them my salaam and told them to come inside as Yasir came up behind me. 

"How is my daughter-in-law? Yasir seems to be losing a lot of weight recently. Have you not been feeding him?" His mother asked with a smile on her lips. I laughed and Yasir scowled. Inside I was panicking. We had no food whatsoever left in our cupboards. I had meant to go shopping yesterday but I hadn't had time. I couldn't exactly feed them pizza. What would they think of me? Yssir must have realised the dilemma as he shut the kitchen door. 

"What am I supposed to give them to eat?" I was getting more and more flustered by the second as I flung my arms in the air. Yasir came closer and lowered my hands and told me to calm down. His touch immediately lowered my tension. 

"Look, I'll pop down to Akram's and buy some food there. Nobody is going to ask where you got the food from." Just as I was about to reply, the doorbell rang again. It must be the pizza guy. Yasir went to answer the door as I went to sit with them. I asked them how their journey was. Their visit was very out of the blue.

"We had tried to call Yasir yesterday. But my son's phone always seems to be busy." I frowned and asked when he had called.

"We called several times during the day and in the evening too. I think it was about 7PM." 7PM? Realisation dawned on me as I remembered that Yasir had been on the phone to Yasmin at that time.

"Yes, yes. I remember now. Yasir had called Yasmin. They can talk for hours on end sometimes. That's why you couldn't get it through." I smiled but the gesture was not returned. I noticed them exchange a glance and the tension had risen. I quickly changed the subject but I knew that something was off. When Yasir returned with the food, I quickly went upstairs to get the guest room ready. The previous times they had come, they usually went asleep straight after Isha. And Isha was going to start soon. I finished with the duvets and headed back down the stairs. I could hear raised voices, 

"HOW DARE YOU GO BEHIND OUR BACKS AND ASSOCIATE WITH HER?" The voice belonged to Yasir's father. 

"She's my sister." Yasir's voice sounded meek in comparison to his father and I wanted to crawl back upstairs.

"How much can your so-called sister love you when she has no such love for the ones who raised her?"

I took a deep breath and walked in. All three of them turned to look at me. Yasir looked defeated and I wanted to go over and comfort him but in front of his parents I couldn't. The argument had very evidently been about Yasmin but I didn't know any more than that. I decided to ask Yasir about it later. Eventually, we finished eating. As I was clearing away, the three of them disappeared. To pray Isha, I assume. By the time I had cleared away the mess on the table and prayed Isha, Yasir was fast asleep, snoring away. 

I guess I would have to find out what it was about tomorrow.

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