Chapter 17 | Amal

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Author's Note

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu hu everyone!

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We knew where Umar was. Or at least we think we did anyway but we weren't exactly sure. We looked up at the building block in front of us. 

"How exactly are we going to know which one he is in?"

"We can ask around." 

Wardah  looked at me like I was an idiot and shook her head. We headed up to the bottom of the door and then we stood there looking around. We hadn't really planning this out very well. We had pretty good evidence to support he was in this block of flats but there were so many. We couldn't just knock on every door and hope that one of the people that opened the door was Umar. 

I pulled Wardah to the end where I found a door. Next to the door, there was a grey intercom with several buttons. Each button had a number next to it. 

"There's no number 1." Wardah said to me. I rolled my eyes. 

"Yes, thank you Sherlock. I can see perfectly well."

Just as I was about to press the button, a young man appeared out of nowhere. 

"Are you guys okay? You seem a bit lost." 


I didn't know what to say. My mouth never seemed to function in social situations. Wardah rolled her eyes at me. 

"I was just looking for my brother. He's such an idiot and didn't tell me the number of his flat and he isn't picking up his phone." Wardah looked sheepishly at the ground. 

Gosh, this girl could act. The man seemed to buy the story and pulled out his phone.

"I could call the landlord for you and see if he knows. What is his name?"


"Wait, I know an Umar. Young lad. Very reserved. I think he moved in opposite to me. I tried to say hello a few times but he wasn't really up for it. Is he your brother?"

At this point, the man had walked forward and had entered a code that unlocked the door. He pushed the door open and gestured for us to walk through. 

"Yeah it does sound like my brother." Wardah replied as we walked through the door and up the stairs he led us up. I was kind of feeling like a third wheel right about now. 

"Well here's the apartment." He gestured towards the door and stood there. 

" thanks..I think I have the key somewhere in my pocket." Wardah started patting her pockets and pulled out a key. 

"Aha found it."

The man smiled and nodded.

"Well if you guys need any help then...well you know where my flat is." 

He walked off and we watched him open his door and shut it behind him. I looked at Wardah.

"You know sometimes I do wonder how you lie so easily." Wardah tapped her nose.

"It's a skill." I rolled my eyes.

"What do we do now?" 

I don't know how long we stood there for but my legs were starting to ache and Umar still had not shown up. I had no idea if this was even the right place. I sat down on the cold floor with my back against the door and Wardah followed me. She sighed and put her head on her knees. And then we heard footsteps. The first ones in a while. I tapped Wardah and pulled her to her feet. It was Umar. 

He hadn't noticed us yet. Umar had his head down and was walking slowly. Like he always did. Nothing about him seemed to have changed. Although I wasn't sure what I was expecting him to look back. 

"Umar." Wardah called out to him. Umar stopped in his tracks abruptly and looked up. His face bobbed from side to side, looking at Wardah then at me. 

"What are you two doing here?" 

"We came looking for you idiot." Wardah poked him and he winced. He stepped past and unlocked the front door.

"I can explain." 

He walked in but left the door open for the two of us to follow after him. I went in last and shut the door behind me. 

The flat was small and cramped. The door opened into a room that I assumed was a living area but it didn't seem like some place I would want to live. On the right side there was a door that had been painted a peculiar green colour and the door just a few steps ahead had been half painted, the top half red and the bottom half showed the wood that the door had been made from. The whole place looked mismatched and I was shocked that Umar was living here. Wardah had the same look on her face. 

"It's cheap." Umar said to us noticing our disdain. 

"Why did you run away? To come live in this pathetic place?" Wardah spat out harshly. 

Umar shrugged his shoulders and I could tell Wardah was getting angry. I gestured at her to remain calm and let me speak. 

"Umar, you can't seriously like living here. Why don't you come home?" I tried to reason with Umar but he stayed quiet and didn't say anything. 

"Why won't you say anything?" Wardah's voice came out loud and high-pitched. "Do you know what you have put mum and dad through?" 

"I never meant to hurt them." Umar's voice was barely audible. 

"Well you did. And you hurt me."

Umar scoffed.

"Stop acting."

"What do you mean by that?" I was as confused as Wardah was. 

"You have got to be kidding. All you two used to do was belittle me, day in and day out. Was I not a gangster enough brother for you? Too much into reading books was I? Constantly calling me a loser. Degrading me. All the time. Why? Just because I was a geek? Don't act like you two care about me. Sorry I was never macho enough for you. You couldn't let me be. You two act like flipping Princess Barbie's and the two you just couldn't accept me. Always trying to force me and mould me into the brother you wanted me to be. So no I don't care that I hurt you, either of you. I care that I hurt my parents, the ones that have always supported me and I never meant to hurt them ever. But some things just have to be done." 

He did not raise his voice once but I could feel the anger in his voice. I didn't know what to say to him. That's what he thought of Wardah and me. We weren't like that. 

"Get out, both of you." Before either of us had a chance to speak, he grabbed hold of Wardah and me and pulled us outside locking the door. 

Heartbroken [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz