Chapter 34 | Malaikah

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Author's Note

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu hu everyone!

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My mother, father and I were sat around the table when Zayn walked in with a smile on his face. 

"I have some news." I sighed.

"Is it good news or bad news?"

He pulled out a chair,

"I guess you could interpret it as both. I got offered a head of department job. But the only problem is it's in our partner school, which is in Cambridge. It's a good opportunity for me but I never would have thought have taken it, but the problem is Fatimah is moving away as well. And well, the court will never grant me custody as the father. And I wanted to move closer. I need to be there for my daughter." 

As Zayn continued, I couldn't stop thinking about how my brother's life had deteriorated because of me. He had lost his house because of me. He had lost his wife because of me. He had lost his daughter because of me. He had lost almost everything. All because of me. It was a wonder my brother could even bother to stand around me. I was such a bad older sister to Abdullah, but my brother was such a good one to me. 

I sighed slowly and nodded. I couldn't argue with him even if I wanted to. I knew I had lost that right. Abdullah bounded into the kitchen with a smile on his face. He looked at all of us and frowned. 

"Why does everyone look so glum for?" 

Zayn shook his head. 

"No one is glum. Guess what though? I'm moving house." Abdullah furrowed his eyebrows.

"Where are you moving to? You just moved back. Why are you leaving again? Are you going to move with Paavi (sister-in-law) Fatimah again?" There was a tense silence and I noticed a pain look cross over his eyes but he recovered within a second.

"No, my own place. So you can have your own room and everything?"

"Why do you want your own house for? You have a house here." Abdullah argued back. My mother sighed at Abdullah.

"Abdullah, darling. Your brother is older now. He wants to have his own space." 

I knew Abdullah was getting more upset by the second but it wasn't anything I could say. 

"Fine, BUT I want my own room as well and it needs to be the biggest room in the house." 

Zayn smiled and laughed. But I just couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that I had. That I had ruined my brother's life. 

Heartbroken [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ