Chapter 23 | Amal

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Author's Note

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We had come back to London and I still couldn't stop thinking about what Umar had said to me. About how he had messed up my life. About this so-called "other woman". I didn't know if I believed him but at the same time it had planted into me suspicions and the seed of doubt had been sown into my mind. Why would Umar lie to me though? It didn't make sense. And did I even know Yasir? I mean, Yasir wouldn't do that to me. Would he? This was playing on my head constantly and I had trouble sleeping knowing that I could potentially be living a fake marriage. What bothered me the most was that if this was true, then Umar, someone who I had considered my brother, had let me through this? Would I be able to forgive him ever? That was a question that I wasn't sure I knew the answer to yet. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. I glanced at the phone to notice that it was Wardah calling. I hoped Umar hadn't done a runner again. But as the phone conversation started there was no mention of Umar so at least he was still safe. 

"I wanted to call you because I wanted to thank you. Umar spoke to me for the first time since he has been back. He came back because of you. I don't know what you said to him but thank you. I owe you a lot Amal."

I didn't really know what I had said to Umar. I had just thought it was his own guilt that had resulted in him going home. By the time Wardah and me had ended our phone conversation, Yasir had returned from work. 

Things had changed between Yasir and me. I didn't know if it was because of the distance I was creating or whether it had always been there but I hadn't noticed. Whilst we were sat at the dinner table Yasir's phone rang. I knew it was Yasmin by the gesture he made and when he got up and left to speak to her, further suspicions grew in me. He had still not told me what the story was behind Yasmin and I wanted to know now more than ever. 

When Yasir returned to the table, he sat down with a smile. This was really getting to me but how was I suppose to ask him without seeming like I was accusing him? But I knew if I didn't find out the truth it would consume me. 

"Why do you keep avoiding looking at me?" Yasir questioned me. I looked up. I didn't really know what to say. It was now or never. 

"I want to know about Yasmin." He sighed and put down his fork to look at me.

"Why do you want to know so badly?"

"I am your wife. Why can I not know?"

"What is the point of you knowing? Like what benefit will it give you?"

"I just want to know why you are keeping things from me. What is the reason behind you not wanting me to know?"

Yasir did not look happy but I knew he had no answer to give to me either. That was why he was not speaking. I shook my head and got up from the table. Why was he keeping this a secret? And what else was he keeping secret? He got up and stood in front of the door. 

"Not every family is like yours Amal. Not all of us had perfect childhood with perfect parents with a perfect home. Some of us are screwed up."

I pushed past him. I did not want to bother with his cryptic words. There were times when I used to find his mysteriousness attractive but now it just made me wonder about the secrets he was keeping from me. And I did not like it one bit. 

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