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I watched the clock carefully and it was going really bad. Veronica wasn't here and I'm currently freaking out about it.

"Where the heck is Veronica? She was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago!" I yelled.

"Yeah, she called. She has to babysit tonight."

"No! I'm supposed to be meeting Jughead's parents tonight and she knows this! Crap!" I yelled. I pulled out my phone and tried to call her phone, but it went to voicemail. I groaned and then called Jughead. I told him to come over to the Riverdale Pizza. I saw him pull up and he asked what's wrong.

"I can't come to dinner."

"Why not?"

"Veronica decided last second to babysit. I'm so sorry, Juggie."

"Hey, it's ok."

"Your mom and dad are gonna think that I blew you off an-"

"My parents don't think! Betts, it's fine! We can't just do it some other time." Jughead nodded. We kissed and then he went to his car.

"Is that what you're driving these days?" I asked.

"Well, it looks a lot better than a motorcycle." Jughead nodded and snickered. I snickered also and I watched him drive off. We've been together for 3-weeks now and I really was looking forward to tonight.

When I was the only one left and the place had closed, I cleaned. I was gonna scrub the place because it would help me with my stress. I then heard someone walk in and it was Veronica.

"Hey B." She said. I was gonna just ignore her.

"I'm sorry for bailing last second." She said and I still didn't answer. I was trying to make it a goal for her to get the point but she was pretty much helpless.

"B, I told you I was sorry. Why are you being such a jerk about it?"

"Yeah, I'm a jerk and you're an angel." I said sarcastically.

"What's the big deal?!" Veronica yelled. I stopped cleaning and looked her straight in the eyes.

"You know I was supposed to be meeting Jughead's parents tonight!" I yelled. Veronica sighed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Betty. I totally forgot."

"Yeah, but the babysitting story is getting really old. What do you and Archie even do together anyways?"

"If I told you, it would so dumb."

"It would sound pathetic! Your whole babysitting story is getting real old."

"Archie and I talk about business, Vince, and our troubles in life-"

"You really think that this 28-year old guy is gonna leave his wife for you?! You're living in a freaking romance novel, Veronica!" I yelled.

"Yeah! Let's not forget about you and Jughead, I guarantee all you and Jughead do is screw, screw, and screw. Then he's gonna get boring and you're gonna leave him! Just like any other other guy you've dated. Take responsibility for your actions!" Veronica yelled. I walked up to her and slapped her across the face.

"Wipe your conscience." I glared. I walked out and grabbed my coat. Veronica pretty much just called me a thot and it really hurt me feelings. Sometimes I can't stand her.

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