Chapter 14

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"You guys are really alright with me taking your hang out spot?" I asked the five as I sat down my last trunk.

"It's not like you being here is going to stop us from coming out here," Obi pointed out. "It will just be clean now."

"Don't hold me to that,"I teased him." But really, thank you. If you ever need anything just ask. "

Mitsuhide walked over and put a hand on my shoulder." What are friends for? "

I shrugged and smiled." You're all welcomed to stick around, but I'm gonna start unpacking."

- * -

"Are you comfortable?" Zen asked his fiance, who was currently sitting atop Gypsophilia. The three of us decided it was time to teach her to ride a horse.

She sat tall and stiff on the horse, with her hands clenching the reigns to the point her knuckles were white. " Losen up," I told her, patting her knee. "You're gonna get sore if your that tense."

"You were probably this tense when you learned to ride a horse," she snapped at me, using me to vent her fear. Truth be told I learned through time of stealing horses to escape bad situations I put myself in. So I don't really remember, adrenaline is a rush.

" We're both her if you fall, "Zen assure her, giving her hand a squeeze.

I gave her a wide smile." I'll keep Gypsy to a slow trot until your ready to go faster. "

She took a deep breath and nodded. It was a signal to start moving. I grabbed the reigns, close to the end, and gave a light thwip. My horse just slowly started going forward. Zen and I kept up on both side, both of us also keeping hands on the reigns." Stop!" Yuki suddenly called out, and fell forward to hug the horse's neck.

"You wrre doing great," I assured her.

- * -

Kiki an I were in the middle of a sparing match, while Mitsuhide was watching. Kiki's sword come to my chest,where the tip couldn't be closer without drawing blood. "Another win for you," I said through deep breaths.

"Don't take it personally, I can't beat her either," Mitsuhide assured me. "It actually amazing you can face of at her at all. How did you learn to use a sword again?"

I sighed, and sipped the sweat from my face, falling down in the shade. "My dad taught me, and lots and lots of practice, with a good bit of life threatening situations."

"It worked," Kiki commented, sitting down next to the guy. "Not perfect form, but unpredictable enough to work."

I sighed. "I'm taking that as a compliment."

"I wonder," the green haired one hummed, "How good would you be with proper training."

I shrugged, "Over powered. I don't rely on sword play alone. More often I use dangers and knives."

"Easier to conceal,"Kiki commented, " Works for any occasion. "

*Just like flower crowns."

"You're really a flower head, aren't ya?" Mitsuhide teased me.

- * -

I was busy building a greenhouse. I didn't want my plants to die in the winter. Was it the best quality, no. Would it work, yes. I barely heard the sound of approaching footsteps over the banging sound of the hammer.

" What do we have here?" I finally heard someone say. I stopped hammer and turned to glare at the I welcomed visitors.

One of the guys smile at the other. "A girl all alon in the woods," he answered the previous question, "I wonder if anyone would miss her if she would go missing?"

"I was thinking we could have some fun of our own," the first one said, pushing back his slimy hair.

I groaned and pulled out a knife behind my back. "I'll only tell you this once," I growled, "get lost."

"This one has spunk," the slimy one laughed, "Those get a higher price." The two quickly approached me, not wanting to get away.

I revealed the knife, slashing it across one's face, slicing an eye and his nose. "I told you to leave," I hissed at them.

"What the hell," the slimy one yelled, and grabbed onto my arm holding the knife. I quickly switched hands, only to slice is off, with struggle at the bone. It got to a point it just flopped there, barely connected.

"Leave!" I yelled at them, and they ran. Hopefully that will stop more like them from coming.

- * -

I looked up at Obi. He's just been sitting there for hours. "Don't you have a job to do?" I questioned. It was sorta weird just having him watch me pot plants.

"I don't want to do it," he answered nonchalantly.

I rolled my eyes. "Zen is too lenient with you. If I was encharge of you, you'd be long gone." He just scoffed and shifted to not look at me. "Do you at least want to help me?" I asked, "I could really use some help.

It took a moment before I heard a sigh and he jumped down from the branch." What do you want me to do? "he sighed.

" Do you know how to plant? "I asked him.

He clocked his head and smirked, " Dose it look like I know how? "

I gave him a smile," Guess you're gonna learn. "

- *-

" Were you followed? "I asked my sister as she entered into the house. I instinctively lostuck my head out the oor an looked around. Like usual, I found nothing but the normal forest.

Shirayuki placed a hand on my back," Like always, no," she assured me. "When are you going to stop worrying?"

"Probably never," I confessed, "I just want to keep my freedom. Some birds aren't meant to be caged."

"You ont need to explain yourself to me," she assured me, "I know your reasons better than anyone else."

I gave my sister a quick side hug, "Did you bring the herbs?" I questioned her.

She gave me a soft smirk and pulled a little pot out of her basket, "Better, so you can grow your own, and I don't need to bring them all the time."

The Choices We Make (Snow White With Red Hair Fanfiction) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon