Chapter 11

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I didn't know what he was expecting. Pro ably tears or me jumping right into his arms. Things of fantasy and romance novels. Instead he got a bloody kick to the shin. I scooped up the basket and my boots and made a run for it.

I would need to flea the country. I couldn't go back to Tanbarun, he has knowledge that I would be there. Well then he'd expect me to not be there, so do some reverse psychology and actually go there. Or do full reverse psychology and not leave Clarines. I could dye my hair, invest in new clothing. Yeah, that would work. What color should I dye my hair to?

My mad dash was put to a stop by a horse pulling out I front of me. "What are you doing?" the crown prince asked.

I took a frightened step away from him, up on his high horse. I blew a shrill whistle, hoping Gypsophillia heard my call and was coming to my aid. "Getting away from you," I hissed at him, running down an alley that would not be wide enough for a horse to get through. And I doubt a stuck up royal would know the street layout.

Now where was I? Oh yeah, hair color. Maybe I should go with something plain, blend in with the masses. But that's what they would expect. So red it is. Then of course I would need to change my name. Something simple will do, but can't souls like a fake name. Lilly would do nicely, or maybe just Rose.

"Hey!" he called out to me. I look back to see had abandoned his horse to follow me on foot. With y injuries he was quick to catch up. But I wouldn't let him. The wide street was almost there, where I could get away.

I heard harsh galloping on the other side of the ally. A blur of white pulled up at the end of the way. Gypsophillia, you are the best horse anyone could ever ask for. I hoped right on, not caring it be bare back. I'd ride bareback all the time before I could afford a saddle. I dug my heels into my horse's side, forcing her to go faster. I wrapped my hands into her mane, as makeshift reigns. I rode out of the city and into the forest, knowing no one was following me.

My mare slowed to a stop in front of a stream and I slid down to the ground, wincing on my feet. I just slid my boots back on, to avoid getting infections. "Well Gypsy," I turned to talk to my horse. "Look like we're starting from nothing... again." I buried my head into her fluffy white mane.

I thought about what to do next as I ran my hand over her neck. "I should go collect herbs for my medicine," I sighed, giving Gypsy a final pat. "Stay here." I went off to the forest, ignoring the blistering sun. Luckily the herbs I needed were common, so they were not hard to find. I could also thank Yuki for teaching me basic herbalism. It was more helpful than me teaching her the meaning of some flowers.

I returned to my horse, with half the basket filled with the reguired herbs, prepaired to continue on to another country. I was terrified to find a white stallion grazing with my mare. My breath got caught in my throat. He was that desperate. He was that dedicated to chase me down. All because of my stupid hair color. If I was a brunette, or even blond he wouldn't have even come for me to begin with.

But even with his horse there, he himself was no where to be found. Until I heard a twig snap behind me. I whirled around, pulling out the knife I carry for protection. "It's just me," he said with a malicious smirk.

I just held the knife, not prepaired to fight. Nor could I run. I just froze there in udder fear. I was so stupid for trusting him. For trusting anyone. Of course they would only be after my hair. Even growing up I couldn't make true friends because of my disterbing hair. No one cares about the person it's growing from, just what will come from it. Fame, attention, prestige. All for themselves and their selfish longings.

I didn't want to be confined. I wasn't some doll to show off. I want to feel the sun in my skin, the grass in my toes, and the wind in my hair. But all those who wish to lock me up for my hair won't allow that. Im wanted to stay inside and look pretty. A useless existence for anyone. And a scaring one to think about. Your life under complete control, with you having so say. You would be a slave, and nothing more.

As I was lost on my terrorizing thoughts the prince came and replaced the knife with his own hand. "You shouldn't run away again, cause I will find you," the selfish pig warned.

Of course he wasn't an exception like his dear younger bother. He was evil and conniving. He wants to flaunt me to the entire world, to prove he is petter than anyone else. He doesn't care about me or my wants, just his own ego. And there's no way for me to escape. I've been caught. My life is as good as over. But anyone is smart enough to keep their little pet from killing themselves.

I fell to my knees. I couldn't hold myself up on shaking knees. No mater how much hair I sucked oni wasn't getting any. I could feel my heartbeat all through out my body, except for where it was located. My stomach contents raised high and high, quick to meet the lump formed in the back of my thought. I curled up on the ground, the world spinning as I gasped for hair between my sobs. Please, just let me out of this mess.

A hand shook me as I was clasped on the ground, gasping for air. My hands pulled at my hair, as if it would help me breath. A hand was on my shoulder, which only freaked me out more. "No," I cried, flipping so remove the hand from me. I sobbed as tears burned my face.

"Akarozu," the cried in worry. Every time they got as close as to touch me a shook him away, only adding to how panicked I was, and tired I was getting. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asked, sounding like there was genuine worry in his voice. Yeah, his prize wasn't so beautiful in this state anymore.

I gasped as I tried to yell at him again. I couldn't get enough breath to formulate words. With a goan two rms wrapped around me and started picking me up of the ground. I got so panicked, I just rolled out of his arms and back onto he ground. I couldn't hold it anymore. I vomited, to the point it became dry heaving. I don't remeber much that happened afterwards.

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